Chapter 9

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

"You bastards...!" Naruto seethes out, furious at the sight of the blonde sitting on our friend. I could only stare in numbed shock. I don't think I'm even breathing...

I say in a deathly low tone, my face a dark shadow, bangs veiling both my eyes, "Get off of him, this instant!"

I say in a deathly low tone, my face a dark shadow, bangs veiling both my eyes, "Get off of him, this instant!"

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The blonde Akatsuki member muses while hanging his head and closing his eyes, "Well, so much for that mystery. Hm." He looks back up to me and Naruto. "This kid's the Jinchuuriki and she's the Kongoseki Princess. He's the one who bursts in and barks first, and she's the one who hangs back and has a level head, alright." A glance at his partner. "Seriously. Itachi was right on the money! Hm!"

So Itachi told them about us...? That's kind of scary... I wonder how much Itachi revealed...

Sasori doesn't say anything; he just stares silently at Chiyo.

"Gaara...!" Naruto calls desperately. "What the hell are you doing?! Come on! Why are you just lying there?!" Naruto grits his teeth. "GET UP!" Sakura and I turn our heads to him with soft gazes. "GAARA...! Answer me! What are you, deaf?! Come on, knock it off, already!"

"Enough, Naruto!" I say sternly, stopping him from going up to the prostrate redhead. Naruto slowly turns his head to me. "You know full well that..."

"Your friend's right," Says the blonde haired man, "and you know it, too. He's been dead for awhile now." A smirk as he nonchalantly slaps the back of his hand against Gaara's cheek.

I give him a death glare that would have any other person running, my bangs shadowing my gaze. How dare he...!

This makes Naruto angrier. His hair spikes up a bit more due to the Kyuubi's chakra.

"Well..." Muses Sasori.

"Oh, yeah. That's them, alright," Says the blonde, smirking. "Hm."

"Give him back...!" Naruto seethes. "Give Gaara back, you damn... AAARRGGHH!!!" He begins to charge straight for the Akatsuki.

In the blink of an eye, Kakashi and I had appeared right in front of Naruto, an arm held outward, preventing him from going any closer.

Kakashi says in a low tone, "Cool it! Charge in without thinking, and we're done for!"

Sasori glances to his partner. The blonde meets his gaze questioningly. "What? Something on your mind, Sasori, my man?"

"I'll hold onto him," Sasori decides.


"Since it appears that Jinchuuriki will stop at nothing to get him back."

"Hm. Yeah. That's putting it lightly," Says the blonde, glancing from Gaara to us.

Kakashi muses aloud, "Okay. It looks like the guy on the left is the one who infiltrated the Sand and took Kazekage-sama." The Hatake switches his gaze to Sasori. "Which means this one is the puppet master who wounded Kankuro so badly. Her grandson, Sasori, huh...?"

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now