Chapter 49

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Pic is of Biscuit, Kakashi's ninja hound—->

Ayumi's P. O. V:

Kiba has his arm around my shoulders as we wait for Sai and Hinata to return.

"Are you sure you're okay now, Yumi-chan?" Kiba asks.

I give him an assuring smile as I nod and say, "Yes. I'm fine now, Kiba-kun."

Sakura is smiling at the both of us until I hear the flap of wings. Kiba and I break each other's gazes to see Hinata and Sai landing the only bird before us. They jump off and the bird vanishes in a swirl of ink.

Kakashi asks, "Well? What's the word?"

Hinata answers, "You were right, Sensei. There's nothing ordinary about this fog. The whole bank's teeming with chakra—a huge amount. What's more, the entire lake has been enveloped! It's everywhere."

Yamato puts his hand to his chin thoughtfully as he murmurs, "I suppose that our conclusion was right that the Three Tails was responsible for it."

"It looks that way," Agrees the Hatake. He shifts his gaze to the brunette. "Based on Naruto's and Ayumi's accounts, we know the fog brings on illusions. It might be acting as a barrier."

"Probably meant to keep us from the lake, I'll bet," Says Yamato, hand dropping back to his side.

Naruto says fiercely, "We've got to do something! That little kid is still in there!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Asks Kiba.

Naruto turns to sakura as he reminds her, "I was telling you about him, remember, Sakura-chan? You know, the guy I ran into when I was heading out this way? Yumi-chan believes me because she was with me at the lake when we saw him again!"

I nod my head in agreement as I say, "Yeah. He really was there."

Sakura murmurs, "Oh, yeah. That's right."

Sai says, beaming, "Oh, that. I thought you were delusional."

Naruto exclaims as he waves his clenched fist, "Listen, I'm not an idiot!" He flails both arms. "I met him before we even got here! He's out there, alright?!! I know what I saw!!"

"On the lake..." Kakashi murmurs to himself.

Naruto pleads, "Please, believe me, Kakashi Sensei! This kid isn't even a ninja. I've gotta see if he's okay!"

Kakashi glances at him as he says firmly, "Sorry, Naruto. But it's out of the question."

"Kakashi Sensei...!"

"I have no choice. You were just caught in the Three Tails' illusion, almost killing one of your comrades. I can't allow you to fly solo anymore. That goes for Ayumi, too."

Naruto stutters, "I-I see what you're saying, but..."

"Even more importantly," Kiba cuts in, addressing my Guardian, "what are we going to do about the mission now, Sensei? I mean! Forget about this mess, we still need to figure out where Orochimaru's hideout is located."

"I don't know," Kakashi replies with a sigh. "The situation is starting to spin out of control a bit. It's not really my call anymore. I've already sent Pakkun to the Village. Until we get orders from Tsunade-sama, we wait. For now, just steer clear of the fog, keep an eye out for the Three Tails or those others. Got it?"

"Got it!" We chime in agreement.


I stand on a branch in a tree as I lean against the trunk not too far from the house Yamato is setting up for us to sleep in while we waited for Tsunade's next orders.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now