Chapter 79

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Kuromaru bursts out of the debris after Pein had used his Jutsu to destroy the village. Landing on the ground, the large Ninken shakes the dust off his fur. He turns to see Tsume climbing up behind him.

"Good work, Kuromaru," Tsume says, reaching him. She moves to place a hand on his head before her nose twitches and she catches her son's scent. Tsume whirls in the direction to see Kiba sitting on the ground beneath a pillar, his feet bracing against it.

Kiba grunts as he struggles to keep the slab of stone from crushing him, his feet bracing against it. Pein had been floating in the air above the village before he'd used this powerful attack that basically wiped everything out.

"Hang in there, Kiba!" Tsume tells her son.

Kiba gains an anime vein on the side of his head as he grunts and he continues to kick back against the stone. Eventually, he manages to kick it off of him. Kiba laughs cockily as Kuromaru, Akamaru, Kilala and Akane appear on the rubble behind them.

Kiba tells his Mum, "Piece of cake!" He then notices that Ayumi is nowhere near him. "Ayumi-chan?!"

Nearby, dust falls from a large dome of diamond to reveal a group of people and tigers. It was the Kongoseki. Akira had been the one to summon the dome around her and her friends, while Haru shielded her dead cousin.

"Is everyone alright?" Hikari asks, gazing around. She finds Kaminari and Saya dead near her and sadness threatens to overwhelm her.

"As alright as we can be," Mutters Ishi.

"Where's Nala?!" Kilala asks, noticing the red furred cub wasn't with them. Panic immediately sets in the Kongoseki and their tigers. "Nala?!"

"Nala, where are you?!" Sarabi calls. She was sure her friend had been right with them when the explosion happened.

"Over here!" Calls a small voice, causing Akira and the others to turn their heads. Mostly hidden amongst some rubble with her front half sticking out, Nala hangs. She had been trying to get to her father before the explosion, but couldn't make it to the others in time.

Kage, Kilala and Yuki rush over. Kilala was able to pull her cub free by gripping the nape of her neck with her teeth. Kilala gently sets Nala on the ground and the cub shakes the dust and debris from her fur.

Kilala nudges her cub lovingly as she murmurs, a purr escaping her throat, "Oh, my dear, I thought we'd lost you when I didn't see you with us."

"Are you alright?!" Ryo asks as the other cubs run over.

"Yeah. I think so. Though I don't know how I managed to survive that," Says Nala.

"That's some dumb luck you've got there, Nala," Says Kai. He grins at his childhood friend/rival. "But I'm glad you're still alive." Nala grins back at him.

"Daddy!" Nala runs over to the white tiger upon seeing him. She tries nudging him awake but receives no response. Tears drip down Nala's face as she nudges her father's head with her own.

Kilala goes over to them and gently nudges Nala comfortingly. Tears leak down her face at the thought of losing her mate.

"Well, Akira?" Haru asks, after Akira tried to heal her cousin. The Divine Water and light fading, Akira shakes her head. Tears break free from under her eyelids and Haru feels tears threatening to break free as well. He just hugs the dead princess tightly to him.

"Ayumi-chan?!" Comes Kiba's voice. Akira and Haru exchange glances.

Silently, the male Kongoseki picks up his dead childhood crush bridal style in his arms and they all start to make their way over to the Inuzukas.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now