Chapter 21

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

When my team and I return to the Hidden Leaf Village, we immediately go to report to Tsunade about our mission. Shizune stands next to her, Tonton in her arms.

"I see then," Tsunade murmurs, fingers threaded in front of her. She lets out a deep sigh. "And?"

Naruto says determinedly, "We're not giving up, no matter what!"

"Ha! Alright. Then if that's the case, we'll roll right into your next mission. Standby at home and I'll be calling you soon."

"Yes, ma' am!"

As Sai, Sakura, Naruto and I leave, Naruto suggests, "Hey, Sakura! What do you say you and I go on a date tonight?!"

She reminds him, "Naruto, have you already forgotten what Tsunade-sama told us back there?"

"Uh, say what now?"

I heave a sigh of annoyance. Of course he'd have forgotten.

"We're supposed to stay at home until Team Kakashi's next mission has been determined, remember?"

"Nah, just a couple of hours! She'll never even know," Naruto insists.

"Go on a date by yourself," Sakura mumbles, frowning.

"That kind of defeats the purpose. You know what I mean?"

"Hey, you guys! Long time no see!" We look to see the Kongoseki clan members before us, minus my father and Izumi. It was Hikaru who'd called, waving.

My eyes immediately light up and I squeal as I charge right past Naruto, knocking into him and hurtle towards my brother. "Nii-san!!" I barrel into him and he nearly ricks back a step, but Hikaru manages to hood into me as as spin around, laughing. We finish the spin as my teammates catch up to us, Naruto and Sakura smiling. Hikaru sets me back on the ground. "I don't believe this! You guys are here! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?!"

Yu says as he stands beside Madoka, "Well, we wanted it to be a surprise! We're also here to help strengthen the alliance between our villages."

I say, "Well, Tsunade-sama never mentioned anything to us."

Mira says, "We made her promise to not tell you guys because we wanted it to be a surprise, as Yu said."

Naruto asks as he comes up beside me, "Hey, guys! It's been awhile! When did you get here?"

"Just a few hours before you got back from your mission," Yuki says.

Madoka adds with an annoyed frown at my cousin, "Although, we could've been here before you left but someone had to visit the Kazekage on the way."

Akira says, "What?! He was basically kidnapped by a bunch of lunatics and died! Of course I had to see my boyfriend!" Akira's gaze lands on Naruto and she gives him a grateful smile. "Naruto? Thank you—for saving him."

"Ah, don't sweat it!" He says with a light blush.

"Ayumi-chan!" Mio exclaims as she comes up to me and hugs me. "Mio-chan! It's so good to see you! How've you been?"

"Great! I've been getting stronger everyday, thanks to Izumi Sense and Hikaru-kun!" She beams at me, then her gaze drifts over to Sakura and Naruto. "Hi, Sakura-chan! Naruto! You look really pretty, Sakura-chan!"

"Oh, thank you! So do you, Mio," Sakura replies.

I ask, "Where's Izumi Sensei?"

Haru answers, "At the hospital. Visiting Kakashi Sensei."

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