Chapter 44

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I leap behind Kiba as Kakashi and Shino leap ahead and Hinata behind me. The sun is setting and none of us have spoken in awhile since we left the village for Orochimaru's hideout.

Akamaru suddenly barks and Kiba says in agreement, "Yeah. That's right, boy."

I ask curiously, "Kiba-kun, what are you thinking about?"

He glances at me as he responds, "I was just remembering how our mission to rescue Sasuke turned out. If it's really Orochimaru's hideout we're headed for, I'm wondering if this mission might not just turn out the same way."

Kakashi asks teasingly, "What? You're getting nervous, Kiba?"

"Not on your life, Kakashi Sensei! Besides, with everybody talking about how Shikamaru and even Naruto were able to beat the Akatsuki, I wanna chance to show them that I've been training just as hard as they have!"

"Ruff!" Akamaru agrees.

Shino says, "It's essential that I demonstrate the results of my training as well."

"Eeehhh?" Kiba asks, glancing at him.

"Unlike the rest of you, I've rarely been allowed the opportunity to go on missions with the group, showing what I can do."

"Oh, come on!" Kiba says in exaggeration. "Don't tell me you're still upset just because you didn't get to go on one mission?"

"That, and the fact that Naruto didn't recognise me after all we've been through!" Shino quips.

Kiba shoots back, "Of course Naruto didn't recognise you! No one can see your face. With that stupid thing over it!"

Shino bursts forwards so he's practically in Kiba's face as he hisses, "That shouldn't matter... to an old comrade!"

Hinata says from below as Kiba and I separate from Shino, "Come on! The important thing is that we're together now!"

It was nighttime by the time we reach the spot the Anbu Black Ops was said to have perished. Kaiashi crouches while scooping up a bit of ash from where the Anbu had exploded.

"This must be one of the Anbu Black Ops who sent the message." Kiba clamps a hand on Kakashi's shoulder, instantly gaining his attention. "What is it? Did you sense something?"

"We don't need to sense anything, do we, Akamaru?" Kiba states, making his ninja hound bark in agreement as they both have their gazes glued ahead. "You can smell it. They're gonna be a lot more bodies up ahead.

"Well, I thought my nose was pretty keen, too, but..." Says Kakashi as he rises to his feet and Kiba mounts Akamaru again. "... Which way?"

"This way." Kiba and Akamaru take off and the rest of us follow them. We duck behind some bushes a safe distance away and wait while Shino sends one of his insects out to investigate. It comes back a few minutes later.

The Aburame gives a nod and Kakashi tells us, "Keep on your toes." We then leap out from the bushes and stop on a ledge outside a cave entrance. Kakashi cautiously peeks inside and gestures for us to enter. We leap down into the dark cavern and pause at the sight of a man with a shell around his body.

"What is...?!" Kakashi gasps as the shell and Curse Mark recedes.

"Somebody... help me, please...!" The dark haired man groans in agony before collapsing.

"A Curse Mark...!" Gasps Kiba. "Orochimaru's Curse Mark, like all the ones before!"

I activate my Seismic Sense Jutsu by slamming my foot on the ground. I feel several vibrations in the cavern but they're not moving.

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