Chapter 62

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I don't know how much time has passed since I was brought back here. I'm currently sitting with my hands shackled to the wall above me and my ankles are also shackled, folded behind me.

Bandages are wrapped around my arms and legs and even my stomach from my recent torture session from Raiden.

I was given food and water but only twice a day.

I don't look up as I hear footsteps entering the cell.

"Ayumi," Calls Raiden, stopping before me. He squats before me when I didn't answer and speaks in a firmer tone. "Ayumi, look at me." I shift my gaze and give Raiden a defeated look, my blue eyes dull. A smile tugs at his lips. "I have a mission for you. There are rumours that Orochimaru is dead." I feel stunned as my eyes widen slightly before returning to normal. "Killed by none other than his former pupil, Sasuke Uchiha. I want you to investigate and see if those rumours are true. Oh, and kill any Leaf ninja you come across."

I feel him put me under the Seishengan before Raiden reaches up to remove the shackles around my wrists. He then removes the ones on my ankles as I rub my wrists.

There were red marks on them from the shackles rubbing against them.

Raiden straightens up and dumps my boots, tiger mask and water bottles in front of me. I put them on and stand up, bracing against the wall.

Raiden leaves and I exit the hideout to investigate Orochimaru's death.


With my mask strapped to my face, I run through the forest as I track Sasuke's chakra. I can feel it not far from here, along with Kiba's.

My heart clenches at the thought of meeting him after so long, but I end up running past him and Akamaru in an open grassy field, my movements creating a wind.

"What the...?! Wait, that mask...! Stop, Akamaru! Go back!" Kiba exclaims with a gasp. I keep running, not looking back. "Ayumi-chan?! Ayumi-chan, wait! Come back!" I ignore him until Akamaru jumps in front of me, blocking my path. I stop short and look up at the sight of a grin plastered to his face. "Heh. So you got away from Raiden after all! I knew that bastard wouldn't be able to break you that easily—" Kiba cuts himself off once he finally takes in the bandages on my body. Worry glimmers in his eyes. "What did he do to you...?"

A dark look settles on Kiba's face the longer I stay silent.

"K-Kiba-kun..." I breathe, feeling like crying at the sight of my boyfriend. He jumps off of Akamaru and gently grips my arms, examining my wounds.

"This looks bad. We've gotta get you to Sakura..." Kiba tries to pull me with him but I plant my feet firmly in the ground, shaking my head.

"No. I can't go back yet," I state.

"Why?! You got away, didn't you?" Kiba questions in confusion.

"No. I'm here because Raiden sent me to see if Sasuke really did kill Orochimaru. Then I have to go back," I say.

"Well, Sasuke really did kill him. We're here looking for Itachi in the hopes of getting to Sasuke," Kiba tells me, his hand still gripping my arm. "Come with me. I can take you back to the others and we can protect you from Raiden."

I gaze at him as I murmur, "The others...? You mean, Kakashi-kun is here, too?"

He nods, a hopeful smile on his face. "Yeah. And the rest of your teammates. They're all worried about you. So, please, Yumi-chan... come back with us—with me." Kiba lifts my mask from my face and sets it on the side of my head, revealing my dirty face and blue eyes. Kiba cups my cheek and leans in to kiss me.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now