Chapter 24

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Sasuke makes his way to Orochimaru's room after having been summoned. Sasuke enters and stands before him.

"What do you want?" Sasuke demands rudely.

Orochimaru smirks at him. "Ayumi-chan has gotten far stronger, hasn't she? Her Diamond Release is more powerful than before, and she's made quite the reputation as an assassin."

"Is there a particular reason you're telling me this?" Sasuke says impatiently, keeping his face impassive. He can't afford to let him know he'd met up with Ayumi five months ago. That was why Sasuke acted so cold and indifferent towards her last time.

"I'm telling you this because I want you to capture the Diamond Princess," He hisses, tongue dancing over his lips. "She has her clan's Divine Water, which can heal any wound. And grant more power to do more powerful Water Jutsus. I want her, but we'll need to capture her soon; especially before that damned Murakami clan gets the chance to. They're still after Ayumi-chan, even after all this time."

Sasuke glares at the mention of the Murakami clan. "I'll see to it," He mutters before the Uchiha turns on his heels and stalk out, to his room.

Sasuke refuses to let the Murakami clan take Ayumi away from him. He doesn't want her anywhere near Orochimaru either, but if Sasuke thinks that if he can capture Ayumi and bring her with him, he'll be able to keep her safe.

Plus, with her abilities, Sasuke knows she'd be useful to him. Especially considering she's always thought of him as a younger brother.

Sasuke also doesn't think that fool Naruto and Yamato are capable enough of protecting Ayumi. If she was with Sasuke, he'd kill any of the Murakami clan who try to take her away.

He'll definitely get Ayumi, but not for Orochimaru. Even after all this time, Sasuke still loves her. He hates the fact that she keeps protecting the idiot, Naruto.

The Uchiha enters his room and the door swings closed, a lone candle on the nightstand flickering. Sasuke sets down his sword and climbs onto the bed. He then blows out the candle and lets darkness envelope him as he drifts off to sleep.


"Whoa, hey! Ayumi, slow down!" Hikaru yells, clinging tightly to her waist, as she races her palomino into the village, past the half asleep Izumo and Kotetsu, and towards the apartment Ayumi shares with Kakashi. He cries out as Ayumi expertly dodges and weave through the civilians. "Ayumi!!"

Said girl wears an off the shoulder white long sleeved kimono with a lotus necklace and earrings.

Said girl wears an off the shoulder white long sleeved kimono with a lotus necklace and earrings

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The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now