Chapter 19

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I don't know how much time has passed before my door is thrown open with a bang and a familiar voice shouting my name.

"Sasuke! Ayumi-chan!" I peel my eyes open and gaze through my black hair to see two figures standing in the doorway. I blink my eyes a few times and Naruto's and Sai's faces come into focus. Naruto stares at me with wide eyes. "Ayumi-chan!" He dashes inside with Sai on his heels. Naruto drops to his knees before me as I push up into a sitting position.

"N-Naruto-kun. You found me," I say tiredly.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" He pulls me into a hug and I wince a little.

"Naruto, you're hurting her," Sai points out to him.

Naruto frowns at Sai as he denies, "No, I'm not! Right, Yumi-chan?!" Sai tilts his head pointedly at me and Naruto follows his gaze. Naruto's cerulean blue orbs widen when he finally takes in my hip wound and the shackles on my hands and ankles. "What happened?"

"Kabuto happened. He stabbed my hip scar and then left me chained in here. I can't use any chakra to get out of these cuffs because they absorb it. Do you mind...?"

"Eh? Yeah. Sure, Yumi-chan!" Naruto tries to open the shackles with a kunai but struggles to pick the locks. Gritting his teeth in frustration, Naruto does a hand sign and a Shadow Clone appears. They both hold up their hands and my eyes widen as I realise what Jutsu they're going to use. An orb of blue swirling chakra forms in Naruto's hand in mere seconds. I jerk my head away and squeeze my eyes shut in anticipation as Naruto thrusts his hand down towards the chains. "Rasengan!"

There's a soft boom as the Jutsu makes contact with my binds and another when it hits the cuffs around my ankles. They too drop to the floor. I rub my wrists as Naruto's Shadow Clone helps me to my feet.

"You okay now, Yumi-chan?" The clone asks, peering down at me in concern.

I reply, "Yeah. Just give me a minute to heal my wound." I wrap water around my right hand from my water pouch at my left waist and begin to heal my stab wound. I then turn my narrow eyed glare onto the Foundation member as the Shadow Clone poofs away. "As for you, traitor. What the hell are you doing here? Last I checked," I lower my head slightly, narrowing my crystal blue orbs dangerously, "You had sided with that snake. Depending on your answer, I'll make sure your destiny ends right then and there."

Though I will admit there's something a little different about Sai. He doesn't appear as cold as he did the last time I saw him.

Naruto splutters, "No, no, no! Yumi-chan! It's okay! Sai's on our side again now!"I glance at the blonde with a hardened expression. Naruto then goes on to explain that Sai was originally put on our team by Danzo of the Root Anbu to assassinate M' Lady in order to destroy the current Hidden Leaf Cillage in the hopes that he would be named the new Hokage. But he'd changed his mind upon meeting having been caught by Yamato and the others earlier.

When Naruto finishes, and the water fades from my hands after healing the grazes on my wrists, I just stare at Sai with a half lidded gaze as I take in Naruto's story.

Well, that explains the lack of coldness, I guess...

"........ thank you, Sai. For helping Naruto-kun find me. I really appreciate it," I say after a long moment of silence.

Sai gives a nod as he says, "It's alright, Ayumi. If you're finished healing yourself, we should probably get moving."

I nod as I say, "I'm fine now. The sooner we get out of this hell hole, the better. This place gives me the creeps."

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now