Chapter 47

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

After Kakashi explains to Yamato that Orochimaru's men were after me, even while on this mission, the brunette questions, "What do we do now? What with Orochimaru's men after Ayumi, even on this mission, wouldn't it be wise to send her back home? Her father wouldn't be happy about this."

Kakashi says with a sigh, "Well, that depends... and, believe me, I've tried to persuade her to go home before but she was completely adamant about staying on the mission." Here, the Hatake slumps his shoulders as he gives me an exasperated look. I just give him an innocent smile and a shrug of my shoulder in return. This just deepens his expression as he hangs his head with a groan. "She's so stubborn."

"You can't really say no to her, either," Yamato says with a sheepish grin. It's true. I can normally get Kakashi to agree to just about anything.

Kakashi looks up at Yamato with a frown. He says seriously, "But I made Ayumi promise to go back back home if she ever comes this close to being captured like she was earlier again." Yamato looks exaggerated, knowing just how overprotective Kakashi can be of me. The silverette glances at Hinata questioningly.

She says hurriedly, "Err, I'm alright, Sensei. Really!" Hinata tries to get to her feet.

"Don't push yourself," I tell her sternly.

"We're lucky Hinata was the only one hit by that Jutsu," Says Shino.

Kakashi says as he turns to him, "Since we don't have any countermeasures to this Crystal Style, caution's the best policy for now."

Naruto yells, turning to our Sensei, "We should've gone after them! Why'd we let them go?!"

Kakashi replies calmly as he glances to him and Naruto drops his hands, "I share your frustration, Naruto, and we certainly don't want to lose track of them."

Kiba reminds him as he gets to his feet, "He's right! Remember how much trouble it was finding them? If we let them go, who knows if we'll ever be able to pick up their track again?"

"Alright then. Here's the plan: there are enough of us to split into two groups. So, Sakura and Sai, you two will stay here with Hinata until she's recovered," Says Kakashi.

"Right," Sai and Sakura chime in unison.

"The rest of us will try and pick up their trail. Of course, since they leave no scent behind, it's impossible to track them that way. Even for Akamaru."

Yamato murmurs, "They don't make it easy for you, do they?"

Naruto asks in confusion, "But, how are we supposed to track them if they're impossible to track?"

Here, Kakashi flicks his gaze to me as he says, "Well, for one, we could use Ayumi's Seismic Sense Jutsu and have her run on the ground below us. And I think we might be able to use those surveillance bats of theirs. But we can't get too close. We don't want them spotting us first. However we go, we have to move deliberately and cautiously."

"That makes sense," Mutters Sai.

"It would just be easier if we have Ayumi use her Seismic Sense Jutsu to find them, though it's a pain since she needs to be on the ground in order to use it, and that's if the enemy is on the ground, too," Naruto heaves a sigh as he puts his hands on his hips and turns his head, closing his eyes. He's right. I can only use my Seismic Sense Jutsu when I'm on the ground or other solid surface like that, and I can only detect the enemy if they are, too. "It doesn't sound like fun, but I guess it's a plan."

"One more thing," Kakashi cuts in. "We have to be very careful if we run into anymore of those crystal barriers. If you do find any of these guys, don't try to attack or capture them. After all, remember: our mission is to investigate them, got it?"

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