Chapter 4

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I walk next to my Guardian as we head back into the village to grab some dinner.

Kakashi notes, nose stuck in his book, "You guys have definitely gotten stronger. That's for sure! I never dreamed you would've snagged those bells."

Naruto says cockily, "Well, what can I say? Maybe I finally surpassed you, Sensei?"

I scoff, "Yeah! Like that would ever happen!"

Kakashi chuckles. "Well, I'm not over the hill quite yet. In fact, just the other day, I worked out this unbelievable new Jutsu! Let me tell ya, you've gotta see it to believe it! It's incredible!"

As Naruto's stomach growls, he hunches over and clutches it, groaning, "Awe, man! I forgot! I haven't had a bowl of Ichiraku's ramen since I got back!"

Sakura adds, "Now that you mention it, I'm starving after last night's challenge..."

Naruto throws up a hand as he cheers, "Then say no more!! Next stop: Ichiraku Ramen!" Naruto takes off running with the Haruno in tow.


I gaze at Kakashi as he appears deflated by the ignorance of our teammates. "I miss the cute little newbies who used to react with wonder at every little thing I said and did..."

Kakashi pouts childishly as he wheezes out a groan.

I say, "Awe, don't feel bad, Kashi-kun! They've just grown up, is all."

Here, Kakashi looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "I don't suppose you're going to ditch me as well, Yumi-chan? And after all those years of separation, too!"

I say as I sway in place with my hands behind my back, "I may not be a newbie anymore, though I will admit I am the cutest of the team, but I still react with wonder at everything you say and do! And I do have a date to get to soon, so unfortunately, I can't stay for very long."

Kakashi questions with his eyebrow still raised, "It's not just because I'm your Guardian, is it?"

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Kakashi questions with his eyebrow still raised, "It's not just because I'm your Guardian, is it?"

I shake my head. "Nope!" I chime, popping the p. "I, for one, would love to see your new lightning Jutsu and learn it! Will you please teach it to me?!" I clasp my hands together as my eyes sparkle at him in eagerness.

Kakashi gazes at me for a moment, surprised, before he gives me his signature closed eye smile and places his hand affectionately on my head. Kakashi says, "I appreciate it, Yumi-chan. And, of course I'll teach you my Jutsu. We'll start as soon as we get back from our first mission."

I continue to gaze at him with sparkling eyes as Jiraiya steps up beside Kakashi. I gush, hugging my Guardian, "Oh, thank you, thank you, Kashi-kun!"

Jiraiya tells him as I pull back, "He's all yours again. I leave him in your capable hands, as agreed."

Naruto says eagerly as he and Sakura pause and turn back to us, "I have missed this ramen so much!!"

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