Chapter 35

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

As I run ahead of Kiba and Lee, my tigers around us, I gaze into the orb of diamond in my hand. I'd created it when we'd split off from Shikanaru, Choji and Ino, and the rest of my clan, who've gone west and north, while we go east, to find Sora.

I've found him just on the outskirts of the village, familiar red chakra swirling around him.

I call back to my teammates, "Follow me!"

Lee gasps, "You have found Sora, then, Yumi-chan?!"

I say as I keep my gaze fixated ahead, "Yes. And he looks like he's in trouble. Pick up the pace!"

I think I hear Kiba say as we do just that, "I'll follow you anywhere..."

Kilala snd Shiori giggle at that.

"Those zombies were super creepy, huh guys?!" Kilala says.

"More like disgusting," Miyuki states, and I feel her pull a face at the memory.

"Whatever. I'd just feel better once this was all over," Shiori says, running along.

"Agreed," Kage murmurs.

"I still liked that I got to eat them," Akane drawls, showing his fangs.

"Ew!" Saya exclaims, making a face.

I call back to them, "Alright, guys, keep it down! We need to be serious about this."

They chime their agreement and we run on in silence.

After several moments of running and leaping through the trees, I'd sent my tigers back. I didn't want them injured by Sora's red chakra, if it is what I think it is. Shikamaru and his team have also caught up to us. Kiba tells us he's detected Asuma, Naruto, Sakura and Captain Yamato with Sora, as well as another doesn't recognise.

Awhile later, and I spot Sora with Naruto before him.

Naruto is about to approach Sora, who is backing away. "Do it now, Shikamaru," I order just as the moon pokes out from behind the clouds and I jump ahead.

"Right!" He gets in his signature stance just as Sora raises his right arm to strike. Only, he freezes, confusion flitting across his features. Everyone follows the line of shadow back to the Nara as I jump down beside Naruto. "Shadow Possession Jutsu, complete!" Ino and Choji appear on either side of him.

Naruto grins at us as I straighten from my crouch. "Ayumi! Shikamaru! Choji!"

"Ino!" Sakura says happily.

I see Asuma battling the white haired guy at a distance.

Sora hisses to Naruto, "Dammit! More friends, huh?!"

Shikamaru calls, "I'm counting on you, Choji!"

"Right!" Choji says as he appears beside Shikamaru. He then flashes behind Sora.

"No, don't! Don't touch him, Choji!" I try to warn but he was already doing hand signs.

"Partial Expansion Jutsu! Both hands!" Choji enlarges both hands and wraps them around Sora. He struggles but Choji seems to have a firm hold on him.

"Damn it, you two!" Sora curses.

"He did it!" Ino gasps happily.

Shikamaru states, "Now he won't get away."

Yamato, Naruto, Sakura and I approach Sora. Sora says in confusion, "Something's not right. If you've got the Nine Tails' sealed inside you... why do you have so many friends? I was all alone the whole time... and yet, why... why do you...?"

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