Chapter 63

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Kakashi's P. O. V:

I go to check on Setsuna later that night, after we'd gotten back from the mission. I was depressed because of Ayumi's absence. It's been a month and a half since she was taken and Ayumi's seventeenth birthday has already passed today. February 25th.

The palomino mare pokes her head over the stall door, nickering softly. I reach my hand up to stroke her cheek. "I know, girl. I miss her too."

Setsuna rubs her muzzle against my face for a moment before I give her a final pat and head back inside. I try to read my Icha Icha book but I couldn't concentrate.

I leave my bedroom and go to Ayumi's, swinging her door open. It was dark and empty, save for the three cats curled up on her bed.

I go and perch on the edge of Ayumi's bed and gaze at the photos on her bedside table. There were a few including her Genin team photo, family photo and the one of Ayumi on my back piggyback style as we were heading back to the village that day Naruto and the others were railing me and trying to see what's under my mask.

I smile a little at the memory, picking up the photo and gazing at it.

My heart clenches in worry for the young Princess, especially after Kiba had told us she was practically covered in bandages.

My free hand curls into a tight fist at that. I'll make Raiden pay for hurting her! It's been a few more days since then, and I can't bear to imagine what he's put her through since last time.

I set the photo down, pat Tsuki, Shiro and Sakura one more time, before I go back to my room to stay up for awhile, since I've been having trouble sleeping due to my worry for the Kongoseki Princess.

I sit against my closed bedroom door with my headband discarded on the floor beside me, my knees pulled up, my left arm resting on my knee and my other hand to my head.

I sit against my closed bedroom door with my headband discarded on the floor beside me, my knees pulled up, my left arm resting on my knee and my other hand to my head

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"...Kashi-kun...!" Ayumi calls pleading as I toss about in my bed. "Kakashi-kun...! Kashi-kun, please, help me! You promised! You promised you'd come for me next time! Kashi-kun...! Kashi-kun, help me...!"

Ayumi turns towards me with tears cascading down her cheeks, blue eyes wide with fear....

I sit boot upright in my bed, breathing heavily, my chest rising and falling, a hand to my forehead. Beads of cold sweat roll down my cheeks.

What was that just now? A dream? Or was Ayumi really calling out to me?

I wipe the sweat away and gaze at the alarm clock. It was 4am.

I decide it wasn't worth it going back to sleep after that, so I get out of bed, dressed, and feed the animals before getting my own breakfast.


The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now