Chapter 45

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

When the rain finally stops, we leave the cave and Kiba and Akamaru try t pick up the enemy's scent again.

As the ninja hound sniffs the ground, Kiba says in annoyance, "Tch. It looks like the rain water must've washed away any trace of scent." Akamaru lets out a whine at this.

"Don't be so disappointed," Kakashi tells him firmly. "Remember: they're using bats to observe us. We know that either their base is in the vicinity, or for some reason, they're compelled to suck around here."

Kiba rises to his feet as he says, "Okay. You're saying there's a possibility that sooner or later we'll have to face them?"

"Yeah." Kakashi gives a nod before shifting his gaze to the left. "Hm? You're back." Kiba, Hinata and I look to see Shino standing behind us. We gather around him as Shino holds out his hand. Insects begin crawling along it.

"Nice! So you did find them," Says Kiba.

"We're very lucky," Says Shino. "I found a female insect that survived with eggs intact." He holds his hand closer to his face to gaze at the insects. "And even better: they've just hatched. It's the next generation."

Kiba questions, fists clenched, "This insect is resistant to the Crystal Jutsu?"

"Yes. There's a good chance it has a high tolerance. However..." Shino trails off as he averts his gaze and lowers his hand.

"The problem is, do we have enough?" Kakashi finishes for him.


Kiba heaves a sigh as he leans back and drops his arms, "And here I thought we had some great countermeasure to fight them with."

Shino addresses my Guardian, "Kakashi Sensei, I need more time."

"What are you gonna do?" Asks the Hatake.

Shino gazes at the insects again as he responds, "Increase their numbers. Drastically."

"Understood," Kakashi says while nodding. "We need a solution before we face them, so do what you have to. And hurry."

"Of course."

Kakashi turns to Hinata, Kiba and I as head asks us, "Well, then, what do we do? Thanks to the bats, the enemy already knows our location. They could take action against us at any moment."

I state knowingly, "The enemy will either pull back knowing that a confrontation with the five of us would waste a lot of time, or they'll hit us hard."

"In any case, our mission is to capture the bad guys and extract information out of them, no matter what. If we lose track of the enemy, something tells me they're going to become a big problem for the Hidden Leaf Village," Kiba adds.

Hinata states, "We have to keep searching the area."

Kakashi gives us a closed eye smile as he agrees, "Right."

Kiba says as Kakashi turns to the Aburame, "Well, time to head out. Shino, try to catch up soon, okay?"


Hinata tells him, "You shouldn't have any trouble tracking us. Good luck."

With that, she, Kiba, Akamaru, Kakashi and I leap into the trees to hunt down the enemy. We split off again to search for them, but when I find nothing, I decide to return to Kakashi. Kiba and Hinata were just getting back too.

"Find anything?" Kakashi asks.

"No, nothing," Kiba responds from Akamaru's back.

"Me neither," Hinata chimes.

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