Chapter 46

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

The greenette suddenly gasps as he gazes around, "What the...?! No, it can't be!" He closes his eyes as he places his hand to his head. "We're being surrounded... I can sense it!" He clenches his teeth.

"Rinji! What is it?!" The silverette asks.

"Quick! Another smoke screen!" Rinji orders, dropping his hand. "Retreat now!"

"What the—?!" Gasps Kiba just as the same smoke from the first time fills the area, causing him to cough behind a fist, eyes squeezed shut. "But why?! I don't get it!"

"It would seem... the enemy's senses are very acute," Says a familiar voice, causing Hinata, Kiba, Akamaru and I to look up to see a figure through the smoke above us. The smoke wafts away to reveal Shino.

"Shino," Kiba greets.

"It's very disappointing," The Aburame says. "Just when I had almost finished weaving my net around them." Kiba grins, happy to see his teammate.

"Is everyone alright?" Kakashi asks as he lands on the branch behind Akamaru. He looks about as worse for wear as Hinata and I are.

"Kakashi Sensei," Kiba greets as the silverette rises to his feet.

Kakashi gazes at me in concern, seeing my and Hinata's battered states, before uttering, "Well, at least we're altogether."

"Yeah," Agrees Kiba. "But, those guys just now said they were ordered to bring Ayumi-chan with them. Ayumi-chan and Hinata..." Kiba drifts his worried gaze to me and the blue Bette, both of us hunched over in pain.

Kakashi asks us, "How bad is it? Can you move?"

"We're fine... I think," I say with a pained closed eye smile, still clutching my abdomen. I wince as pain throbs through it.

"As for these guys targeting you... maybe I should send you back to the Leaf," Kakashi muses, making me jerk my gaze to him.

"Kakashi-kun..." I begin but he cuts me off.

"If Orochimaru has given them the order to capture you, I can't risk you staying on mission and anything happening to you. I'll send word to Tsunade-sama..."

"No, please don't, Kakashi! I want to continue with the mission!" I plead, feeling Kiba and Hinata gazing at me sympathetically. "I can... I can still fight."

"It's not about whether you can keep fighting, Ayumi. This is about your safety. I can't risk Orochimaru taking you away from us. What would've happened if Shino hadn't arrived in time?"

I go to argue but purse my lips, gazing at him. There's a stern look in his visible eye that isn't leaving room for arguing. But I'm not going to back down so easily.

"I know that. I know Orochimaru is after me, but I'm not going to let that scare me away," I say unwaveringly. "I want to help stop these guys. I want to stay and fight. Please don't send me back home, Kakashi-kun."

I don't flinch from the stern look in his gaze as I hold it with my own. After awhile, the silver haired man heaves out a heavy sigh, shoulders slumping.

"Your father is going to kill me if anything should happen to you, unless Tsunade beats him to it," He groans, making me blink my eyes. He straightens his spine and nods his head. "Alright, you can stay on mission—" I begin to smile despite my pain, but that stern look returns to his gaze. "—but you're to stay close to me where I can easily protect you from Orochimaru's men, otherwise, if something like this happens again, I will send you back to the Leaf Village. Is that clear, Ayumi?"

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now