Naruto Shippuden, The Movie: The Lost Tower, Part 1

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

"Naruto, dodge it!" I call out, irritation pacing my voice as a puppet thrusts it's claw for the blonde. He raises a kunai to block it, only to be pushed back by the force.

Dust was blowing wildly around as Naruto catches himself in a crouch. He then whips out a bunch of kunai and chucks them at the puppet that looks like a giant wooden beetle. It whips out a metal drill and thrusts it towards Naruto.

With a gasp of surprise, Naruto was able to block it with two kunai, but the puppet was pushing him back. It raises a claw and Naruto gasps, thinking it might impale him. But then a section opens up in its chest and several blades pierce my teammate.

However, he disappears with a poof, meaning he was a Shadow Clone.

This only irritates the beetle puppet as it whips its head around while narrowing its bright green eyes, only to be met with Sakura as she thrusts her chakra filled fist in its face with a war cry.


The puppet is easily knocked back and collapses

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The puppet is easily knocked back and collapses. Sakura lands in a crouch and looks behind her, seeing the chakra strings.

Sakura and I both gasp once we see the puppet be pulled up

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Sakura and I both gasp once we see the puppet be pulled up. I was about to punch my chakra filled fist into it but Naruto beats me to it, chakra swirling in his right hand.

"Rasengan!" He thrusts it forwards and the wooden puppet shatters with ease. However, there were paper bombs attached to the debris, startling Naruto.

I do lightning fast hand signs. "Diamond Style: Crimson Fruit!" A dome of diamond wraps around the three of us just before the explosion went off. When the dust settles, the dome lowers.

"Thanks, Yumi-chan," Naruto says as Sai and Yamato leap over to us.

I hit him upside the head, muttering, "You dummy!"

He rubs his head as Sai tells him, "You have to pay attention."

I explain, "When you're up against puppets, you can't let yourself get distracted by them. Just focus on the chakra threads being used to control the puppets."

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