Chapter 13

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I wander around, looking for Kiba. As I was walking down a busy street, a large white shape suddenly leaps into view.

"Kiba-kun!" I say upon seeing the brunette smile at me. He's riding his ninja hound.

"Hey, Princess! Heard you'd gotten back. Wanna ride? I'm about to meet up with Kurenai Sensei." I grin and jog forward before hopping onto Akamaru's back. "Hang on!" I wrap my arms around Kiba's waist as Akamaru jumps onto rooftops and races for their team's meeting place. I tell Kiba all about the mission. "Well, I'm glad Kankuro will finally leave you alone now."

"We're friends, Kiba-kun. I want us to stay that way."

"Sounds good enough to me," He says before we near an empty street lined with a wooden fence and a large tree. "We're here. Hang on tight!" Akamaru bounds up into the tree and as we get to a branch, I spot Shino and Naruto below. Akamaru leaps right down, crashing on top of Shino and cutting off the Uzumaki mid sentence.


Naruto starts back as Kiba greets, gazing down at his teammate beneath the white ninja hound, "What's up?!You're early, Shino!"

Naruto starts back as Kiba greets, gazing down at his teammate beneath the white ninja hound, "What's up?!You're early, Shino!"

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"Hey, Shino!" I greet brightly.

"Ayumi?! Kiba?! Is that you?!" Naruto exclaims, gaining our attention.

"Hey!" Kiba says as he gets off Akamaru. Kiba goes up to the Uzumaki and sniffs him while I help Shino to his feet. "Yup! No mistaking that scent! It's Naruto, alright!"

 "Yup! No mistaking that scent! It's Naruto, alright!"

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"You okay, Shino?" I ask as he brushes himself off.

Shino nods his head. "Yes. Thanks for asking. At least Yumi-chan remembered me right away when she returned, Naruto." Shino's pointed tone makes said blonde sweat drop.

Naruto grumbles to Kiba, "You had to smell me first?! What's that all about?" Akamaru barks deeply as I go up to Kiba and he slings and arm around my waist. Naruto stares at the ninja hound in surprise while pointing at him. "That ninja hound isn't... no way! Is that...!"

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now