Chapter 61

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

We travel to Eto Village and get there in two days.

It was early afternoon when we arrive and Yamato hooks us rooms at the inn. We then meet up outside the village where we get started on the mission. Naruto, Sakura, Sai and I stand around Yamato. I have my tiger Anbu mask strapped to my left hip.

"Alright. We'll split off to search for the bandits. Radio in once you find anything," The former Anbu Black Ops explains. We utter our agreement and take a radio each.

Just as I was reaching for mine, however, a familiar male voice cuts through the clearing.

"That wouldn't be a problem." I freeze, my blue eyes going wide. I know that voice! I very slowly turn my head as my teammates jerk around, only to see a tall man with long blonde hair and green eyes behind us, looking to be only a little older than Kakashi by a few years.

 I know that voice! I very slowly turn my head as my teammates jerk around, only to see a tall man with long blonde hair and green eyes behind us, looking to be only a little older than Kakashi by a few years

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"N-No, it can't be," I breathe out, feeling my body beginning to tremble.

"Ayumi, what's wrong?" Asks Yamato as he notices my reaction. This makes my other teammates look at me too.

"R-Raiden... but how... why...?" I stammer, unable to look away from him.

"Hmm? You don't think I've forgotten about my student in all these years, have you, Ayumi-chan?" Raiden says, tilting his head.

""Raiden"?" Sakura echoes before gasping in realisation, mint green eyes wide at the blonde man. "So you're the one who massacred Ayumi's clan and took her prisoner for two years!"

"That's right. And I'm here to take her back. So, if you don't mind..." Raiden takes a step towards my frozen form. But Yamato steps protectively in front of me, holding his arms outward.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that," Yamato says unwaveringly.

"Oh? Where's Kakashi? My spies have told me he's Ayumi's Sensei," Raiden questions, flicking his gaze between me and my teammates.

"I'm Kakashi's replacement. You're going to have to deal with me, I'm afraid," Yamato tells him.

"Ah. Right," Raiden utters, appearing unfazed. "Kill them, but take the Princess back alive."

My eyes widen but I couldn't move fast enough as twin tornadoes of lightning burst out of the trees and shoot towards us. Yamato grabs me and we all leap away just in time to avoid Hotaru's deadly attack.

Sakura lets out a gasp as she's locked in combat with Mika, the blonde throwing out blades and gusts of wind to push Sakura back. Sai meets Amaya in combat as Yamato lands on a branch and the green eyed woman lashes out with her Water Whips.

Naruto engages Homura as Yamato turns to me.

"Are you alright, Ayumi? You froze."

"I-I don't understand why they're here. I haven't seen them in a long time..." I trail off and gasp as Daisuke appears beside the brunette. With his fist engulfed in earth, Daisuke knocks Yamato away from me, and they take their battle to the ground below. "Captain Yamato...!" I gasp again as electricity strikes my left shoulder, knocking me back against the tree in a sitting position, knees pulled up. I look up with wide eyes at Hotaru, a sneer plastered to her features.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now