Chapter 82

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I sigh as I walk beside Shikamaru to Tsunade's tent. We were going to tell the others about Danzo declaring Sasuke as a rogue ninja.

Shikamaru and I are silent as we walk. The Nara knows not to try to talk to me about this, flicking his brown orbs to me every once in awhile.

We know next to nothing about Danzo, but I know for sure that I'd he's so willing to dispose of Sasuke, he'll overlook Tsunade's promise and won't listen to Naruto.

Usually, I'm unfazed by anything, but I'll be lying if I said I wasn't scared by the thought of telling Naruto, Sakura and Sai about Danzo's decision to kill Sasuke.

I was feeling so nervous right now.

"Here we are," The charcoal coloured haired teen announces as we stop outside a certain ten. I raise my gaze to find we're outside Tsunade's tent.

Shikamaru raises his hand to open the flap but pauses as voices float into our ears.

"Not only that, in order to keep you from worrying, he asked me to keep it quiet." The first voice was Sai's. He sounds awfully calm. "And now he's on his way to ask the Raikage to pardon Sasuke."

"What?! Why would he be so reckless?!" Exclaims Shizune in stunned disbelief. "Wasn't Kakashi with him?!"

Sai murmurs, "I doubt that would've stopped him. Kakashi Sensei believes in Naruto. Even if it's a long shot, Kakashi wants to give him a chance."

"I'm so lost here. What the hell does the Raikage have to do with any of this? Why does Naruto-kun want to apologise to him? More importantly, what does the Raikage have anything to do with Sasuke?" I was so frustrated with everything that's going on right now. I shift a frown to the Nara.

He flinches at my expression before a conflicted look crosses his face. "Look, I'll tell you everything even though I don't think I should! Apparently, Sasuke captured a ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village."

My blue eyes widen at this as I demand, "What?! Why on Earth would Naruto apologise for something like that? Those kinds of things happen all the time."

"It was the Eight Tails Jinchuuriki," Shikamaru tells me, making me freeze.

"B-But why would he do something like that?" I stammer with wavering eyes.

"You know why," Shikamaru says with a pointed look. "The Raikage believes the Eight Tails Jinchuuriki is dead."

I hang my head, knowing he means that Sasuke is with the Akatsuki. I absolutely refuse to believe it's true!

 I absolutely refuse to believe it's true!

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After a pause, Sai resumes speaking. "Sakura, recently, I was assigned to Team Kakashi to take Sasuke's place, so I still don't know all of you really well, and I'm not good with emotions. Also... I don't know what promise he made to you..." He trails off as I gasp at the memory of Sakura crying and begging for Naruto to bring Sasuke back when we were about to leave for the Sasuke Retrieval mission two and a half years ago. "... However, even I'm able to see... that Naruto's in love with you!" I hear Sakura crying at what Sai told her.

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