Chapter 40

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

We reach a forest clearing near the border and sit around each other.

Kakashi says, "Shikamaru, let's hear your plan first."

"Now that you have joined, I want to change the plan a bit," Says the Nara.

"I got it. Please explain."

"I will explain by dividing it into several scenarios. Make sure all of you listen carefully." Shikamaru takes out a small syringe and hands it to the silverette. "Kakashi Sensei, take this... please use it when there's an opening. I'll let you keep it."

"I got it," Says Kakashi as he gazes at the syringe. "I'm impressed at how much you observed about your opponent from just one encounter."

Shikamaru says, "But the other one's power is still unknown... that's the plan I developed with the limited information I had. After you memorise the plans, simulate them in your head three times or more. The success rate of the plan highly depends on whether or not you do image training."

"Yes," Choji says.

"Okay!" Ino and I say. Shikamaru flips the lid of the lighter before clutching it tightly.

"Okay. Let's go," Says Kakashi.

"Yes!" Says Ino as we all rise to our feet.

"I just have one thing to say to Ino, Choji and Kashi-kun," I say in a serious voice, gaining their attention.

"What is it?" The teal blue eyed girl asks.

"If you see a money bag with Kakuzu, the scythe wielder's partner, steal it for me," I say. This causes them to anime fall.

"Wh-Why would we steal it?!" Ino exclaims in disbelief.

"It's just funny whenever I'd fight him in the past and he got pissed when I stole his money. You could say he has an addiction to it. So steal it, and Money Man looses his cool," I say with a twisted smirk as I chuckle, causing my teammates to sweat drop.

"Now's not the time to be fooling around, Ayumi. Stay focused," Shikamaru says. "First, we need to find their trail."

"Trail... I get it. You're saying we need to find the path between the Fire Temple and the collection office," Says Choji.

Ino adds, "You're saying we're going to find their footsteps and scent there."

Shikamaru utters as he puts away the lighter, "Well, I don't think that will be easy..."

"Let's hurry," Says Kakashi. We agree and move out. We reach a barren clearing near the Fire Temple and Kakashi kneels to track the enemy. After a moment, he stands and faces us. "As expected, the trail can't be found due to the rain. So, what are we going to do?"

I say, "Either way, we can't do anything until we find our enemy."

Choji says, "I remember they said they'd be right back. But obviously, they won't return to the same place."

Ino says with a glance at the Nara, "The second team should be monitoring the collection office...!"

Shikamaru says, "The one that yells a lot is fine, but there's the other guy... I bet they will use a different route, but they have only one destination. Where they are going after Asuma's corpse for the money or they are after Naruto, their destination is the Hidden Leaf Village!"

Kakashi says, "Then that means, it'll be a wide search... how are we going to find them?"

"Ayumi, you know their chakra, right?" Shikamaru says to me. I nod my head as I smirk. He then looks up and spots an eagle. "We'll also go with that."

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