Chapter 3

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I reappear to find Naruto pacing with his hands behind his back and Sakura leaning against the chain link fence. They both start, nearly jumping out of their skins, at my Teleportation Jutsu.

"AAAHHH!! What the—?!" Naruto and Sakura scream before the smoke clears and they finally realise it's just me. I laugh, pointing at them.

"You two should see the looks on your faces!" I say, causing Naruto and Sakura to deadpan at me.

"AYUMI!! YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A FREAKIBG HEART ATTACK!!" Sakura screeches, eyes animated white circles as she clenches her fists.

"Yeah! Don't do that again!" Naruto adds.

I rub the back of my head sheepishly a I apologise, "Sorry, Naruto-kun, Pinky! But I'm not late yet, am I?"

Sakura answers, "Nope. Kakashi Sensei isn't here yet."

I say in relief, giving a mushroom sigh, "I'm saved, then!"

Naruto says in frustration as he clenches a fist, "Awe, come on!! Is Kakashi Sensei going to keep us waiting here forever?!"

I say with a deadpan expression, "Well, he's always been like this."

Naruto groans as he looks down in a cross legged position before folding his hands behind his head. "Yeah, I know! But I thought he would've grown up by now."

I let out a chuckle along with Sakura as I go to lean against the fence. We wait around thirty more minutes. There's a poof of smoke and a smooth voice floats into our ears, causing Sakura, Naruto and I to jerk our heads up.

"Huh?!" Naruto utters.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" My Guardian begins, holding up a gloved hand as he sends us a closed eye smile as I cross my arms over my large chest and begin to tap my right fingers on my left upper arm as my foot taps the ground in impatience, an unimpressed expression on my face. "I, uhm, ran into this poor old lady who needed help carrying some—"

"WOULD YOU GIVE US A BREAK?!!" Naruto and Sakura interrupt in flustered tones, eyes animated white circles.

I know Kakashi can't see me due to his closed eye smile, but I know he can feel my unimpressed expression as I tap my fingers and foot impatiently.

A large sweat drop forms on the back of Kakashi's head. Even Naruto and Sakura pale. Once that was over, the four of us head into the training grounds for the test.

We pause and gaze around as I murmur, smiling, "Oh, wow! Does this bring back memories."

I remember the bell test when we first made Team Seven.

"Your assignment is very simple: you just have to take these bells from me. That's all there is to it." I immediately furrow my brows at this. "If you can't get them by noon, you go without lunch."

"Whaaa...?!" Naruto exclaims.

"You'll be tied to those posts and you'll watch while I eat my lunch in front of you," Kakashi adds, pointing to the three posts.

Kakashi says as he looks up from his book, "Ah, that's right! This was the sight of your very first training lesson, wasn't it?"

Sakura says as she looks down, the memories flooding back to our minds, "It was Squad Seven..."

Naruto adds, "The four of us together..."

Kakashi says, "That's right. We had Sasuke back with us back then, didn't we?"

"Get away from him," Ayumi says quietly—too quietly. Before she focuses her water chakra and thrusts her arms around to the Uchiha with a growl of anger. He jerks his head up only to be met with the torrent of water slamming into him. The force was enough to send Sasuke sliding back on his heels. "Get away from him!!" Ayumi raises her voice to a roar as she thrusts another bursts of water into the Uchiha.

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