Chapter 16

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

The sun shines brightly down on us as I hide behind a boulder with Naruto and Sai, who is really a Shadow Clone in disguise, our gazes fixated on the Tenchi Bridge crossing the huge ravine.

The bridge was actually a fake made by Yamato's Wood Style. I soon spot a figure wearing a white hooded cloak with red stripes along the hem approach the bridge.

Naruto whispers, "He's coming!" The figure, Yamato, pauses and grips his hood as he gazes around, before slowly stepping onto the bridge. "Come on! When do we make our move?"

I tell him, "Any second now. Just be patient."

Suddenly, the jingling of bells reaches our ears. Naruto and I whip our heads around to see Sasori in his Hiroku, who is actually Sakura transformed, approach the Tenchi Bridge.

Naruto murmurs, "There he is!" We watch as the two meet each other and stare at one another in silence, unmoving. Naruto clenches a fist. "Come on! Where's the damn signal?!"

"Patience, Naruto, remember?" I remind him while keeping my gaze on Sasori and Yamato. Just then, Sasori raises his right arm with his thumb held upward. "There's the signal!!"

The three of us leap out of hiding and charge for the cloaked figure. Naruto throws a punch but Yamato catches it with ease before throwing him back.

Yamato throws Naruto away and whirls around to flee. Naruto yells, "Hold it right there!" He throws a kunai knife and it tears through the side of Yamato's hood, throwing it back off his head in the process.

Sakura poofs back to her original form as she calls to us, "Now, Naruto, Ayumi!"

I smirk devilishly to myself as I use my enhanced speed to get to Yamato. He gasps as I loom above him while doing hand signs. "Chidori!"

Yamato looks stunned as I thrust my Chidori at him but he swerves to the side to avoid it. I whirl back to Yamato and swiftly create twin Diamond Katanas. His eyes widen as I slash them for him at incredible speed, narrowly missing Yamato. He brings out a kunai to block my right katana and I gaze at him impassively.

I pull back as I bring down my left katana and we exchange a few swift and vicious blows. We clash blades again and press them against each other before Yamato throws me back with an exerted grunt.

Yamato mocks me as I slid back into a kneeling position on one knee, glaring at him through my swaying bangs, "Awe, don't tell me that's all you've got!"

Naruto appears before him, then and throws a punch. Yamato catches it and the blonde brings up a leg to kick him. Naruto throws a few more punches before Yamato kicks him away.

Naruto lands in a crouch with his back to the brunette as he mutters through clenched teeth, "Dammit!!"

"Surely you can do better than that?" He taunts again. Sai then runs at him and Yamato easily avoids the punches and kicks Sai throws at him.

Naruto and I go to meet Yamato and while the boys punch or kick him, I slash viciously with my swords. I was impressed, as he was able to take all of us on and block or dodge our attacks.

When Yamato throws me away again, he says, "Not good enough!"

I watch as Sai and Naruto run towards him. Sai helps Naruto to form the Rasengan as he's just a Shadow Clone transformed as Sai. Yamato does swift hand signs and wood shoots up out of the ground and wraps around Sai, trapping him. Sai transforms back into Naruto.

I do my own hand signs and mutter, "Earth Style: Gaia's Shackles Jutsu!" Before the earth covers his feet, Yamato leaps upward to avoid it. I go to grab the brown haired man but hang back as Naruto leaps down on him and yells at the brunette while shaking him. Just then, a rope in the form of an ink snake slithers over and latches itself around Naruto and Yamato.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now