Chapter 32

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I wake up the next morning to find myself wrapped up in Kiba's arms. Morning sunlight streams in through the curtains, touching Kiba's features. Akamaru serves as a giant, fluffy pillow beneath our heads.

I smile at Kiba and brush some of his hair back. As I do, I gaze at him, smiling softly.

"See something you like?" Kiba suddenly asks, making me jump slightly. I then notice he's cracked an eye open and is gazing at me with a smirk on his lips.

"K-Kiba-kun...!" I gasp, pulling my hand back. A blush spreads across my cheeks. "How long have you been awake?"

"Not that long. I wish you'd keep doing that though. It feels nice," He murmurs, snuggling his face deeper against my chest. I blush a bit more.

"Kiba, I have to go meet up with my team for a meeting," I tell him pointedly.

"They can wait a few minutes more. I want you to stay here longer," Kiba responds, tightening his arms around me.


"Yumi-chaaann. It's too early," He grumbles right back.

I let out an exasperated sigh as I say, "Alright. Two more minutes. But then I need to get going."

Kiba grind against my chest and says, "Great! I knew you'd agree!"

He then flips me onto my back and I let out a giggle as he straddles my waist. Kiba leans down and kisses me deeply. I instantly kiss him back as I thread my fingers through his hair, and he grips my waist.

Kiba kisses along my jaw and I turn my head so he can kiss my neck. When Kiba reaches the spot on my shoulder, he starts sucking it, making me moan. I feel him smirking against my skin.

As Kiba gently rubs my waist, his lips return to my own and he explores my mouth, making me moan again. While Kiba resumes kissing my lips eagerly, someone pounds loudly on his door.

"Kiba, you little punk! You'd better not be asleep still! Ayumi, hurry it up! You have to meet with your team now!" Tsume yells, still hitting the door with her fist.

Kiba growls to himself as he pulls back, "Great. Way to interrupt, Mum!" He then shouts at the door, "Yeah, yeah! We'll be down in a minute!"

"You two better not be wasting time making out with each other! I know what you're like when you're alone together!" Tsume shouts, pounding at the door again, causing redness to bloom across both our cheeks.

"G-Go away, you old hag! We're getting up right now!" Kiba shouts back in a flustered tone.

I smile a little as I hear Tsume's feet retreating down the hallway. I say, "I guess we're getting out of bed now, huh?"

Kiba scowls as he looks back at me, "Only because I really don't want Mum to barge in on us."

I can't help but let out a giggle, ruffling Kiba's hair. He kisses me a couple more times before Kiba reluctantly climbs off of me. Akamaru hops off the bed as I get up.

Kiba throws on his clothes and tells me, "I'll got down and feed Akamaru. See you at breakfast, Yumi-chan."

I nod as I say, "See you in a bit." Once Kiba and Akamaru leave, I grab my kimono and take a quick shower in the bathroom down the hall, before I quickly brush my teeth. Then I head downstairs for bacon and eggs for breakfast.

Kiba, Hana and Tsume were already there, Akamaru eating from a bowl.

"Well, you look refreshed this morning, Ayumi," Hana says, noting my glowing face.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now