Chapter 15

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Yamato's P. O. V:

When Naruto returns with Ayumi, I immediately get a weary feeling from the way her bangs hide her eyes.

Ayumi stops right in front of Sai with Naruto beside Sakura, looking really scared. She says, "Sai, Naruto-kun told me what you said. And, you're right about everything."

I stiffen, silently wondering what Ayumi is planning to do. Naruto and Sakura also stiffen. In the blink of an eye, Ayumi's fist connects powerfully with Sai's right cheek, the one that Sakura didn't hit, and his head wrenches around seemingly in slow motion. We watch as the pale boy slams face first into the wall and literally cracks it. We all flinch.

This... This woman...

I stare with a pale face as a scarlet pink aura of rage swirls around the pretty ravenette. She straightens from her stance and her bangs veil her right eye. Sai peels himself off from the wall and rubs his cheek, turning his head to Ayumi.

Naruto and Sakura gape at her.

Sakura sighs to herself, "Well, I guess we should've seen this one coming."

"That was for insulting my clan," She growls deathly, and I feel myself shuddering. "I don't give a damn what you say about me. Call me a bitch all you want, insult me, but say another foul word about my clan again, and I promise you you will never be able to have the ability to speak another word again! Is that clear?"

Sai just gives her another fake smile as he answers, "Crystal."

If I didn't know any better, I'd say Sai was just as terrified of her as Naruto, Sakura and I are... he's just really good at hiding his emotions. Then again, that's what I'd expect from a member of the Foundation...

Ayumi mutters, "That felt good."

Naruto says, gazing at her with astonishment, "Not good—brilliant." Ayumi grins at him.

"This woman is absolutely terrifying! You were right, Kakashi Senpai!" I think as our conversation from this morning replays in my mind. He'd told me of Ayumi and how she's not only the most level headed of the team, but that she can be more than a little intimidating. "Yeah, right!" I scoff, still staring at Ayumi with wide eyes. "She's absolutely terrifying! Kakashi also mentioned how she can silence someone as rowdy as Naruto with just a single glance... now I understand why he's so afraid of her, and immediately complies to Ayumi's every word. He doesn't want to make her angry, and neither do I. The rumours about the Kongoseki Princess's rage are true. I don't know who's scarier: her, or Tsunade-sama..."

I clear my throat and speak up, stuttering a little that gains the other's attentions, "O-Okay. Now that A-Ayumi has j-joined us, l-let's eat!"

Naruto and Sakura stare at me in shock and I mentally slap myself. I hate myself for stuttering because I'm scared of a sixteen year old!

I have to remind myself that Ayumi is a fully trained assassin. I guess that's why I'm scared of her...

Ayumi, however, nods as she smiles slightly, the scarlet aura fading from around her. Ayumi agrees, "Okay, Captain Yamato! The food looks delicious!"

I make a mental note to never make Ayumi mad again.

Ayumi's P. O. V:

We eat dinner while I make a point of ignoring Sai.

I even told Yamato I'd pay for the repairs with a diamond.

Who the fuck does he think he is to talk about my clan like that?! He has absolutely no idea what I've been through; only what he's heard from around the village.

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