Chapter 66

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

My friends and I start making our way back to the exit of the hideout. The walls and tunnels all look the same to me but thankfully Hinata has her Byakugan.

We had just reached the main room at the base of the stairs when a voice causes us to stop, accompanied by slow clapping.

"I commend you for making it this far, Leaf ninja, but I'm afraid you can't leave yet." We all whirl around to see Raiden before us. He fixates his gaze on me and I feel my body stiffen. "Not until you return my student to me."

Kakashi immediately gets in front of me. He holds out his arms as a growl of warning leaves his throat. Kakashi says lowly, "I don't think so, Raiden!"

Raiden tilts his head with a slight disappointed frown as he tries to peer around the Hatake's body to see me. His frown deepens as Kakashi straightens his posture and raises his arms higher, his body acting as a shield of flesh.

"But she's my student. I simply want her back. Ayumi-chan owes me for the strength I bestowed her," Raiden says.

I grip the back of Kakashi's flak jacket as I feel myself trembling a little. Kakashi growls back, as I feel his face darkening, "You don't even get to look at her! Let alone touch her! Ayumi is my student, so I'm taking her back."

"K-Kakashi-kun..." I whisper, gazing at his strong back with wide, fearful wet eyes. He's protecting me... again.

By this point, I've lost track of how many times he's protected me.

"Yeah, that's right! Yumi-chan is a member of Team Kakashi, and we're not gonna let you take her away!" Naruto adds hotly, causing me to swivel my gaze to him. He's glaring hatefully at the Murakami clan head, a fist clenched.

Raiden falls silent as Naruto goes to charge at him.

"Stop, Naruto," Kakashi orders as I let out a gasp. The Uzumaki skids to an abrupt halt.

"But, why?!" He demands, whirling back to his Sensei.

"If you're not careful, you'll fall under the Seishengan's control. I'll fight him. Raiden is mine."

I stare at the back of Kakashi's head, shocked by what he'd said. "K-Kakashi-kun, no...! You don't have to do this for me."

"I'm not doing it just for you, Ayumi," He says in a slightly gentler tone. Kakashi peers back at me over his shoulder. "I don't think we're getting out of here unless we take him down. So just leave Raiden to me, okay?"

"But..." I try to protest as he steps forward, but Raiden was chuckling, causing Kakashi to stop.

"What's so funny?!" Kiba demands.

"It's not just me you'll need to contend with." Raiden snaps his fingers and I hear the sound of rushing footsteps from all directions. Kiba and Sakura stand in front of behind me defensively as the other Murakami clan members pour into the room, most of them with weapons in hand. Kiba scowls.


I see Teruko, Hotaru, Homura, Daisuke, Mika and Amaya among them.

"Kill them all, but leave the Princess alive!" Raiden orders before chaos ensues.

As Kakashi and Raiden engage each other in combat, the two Jounin exchanging swift and powerful blows, the rest of us fight the other Murakami clan members.

I immediately dodge a lightning attack from Hotaru and I scowl as I face her, while Sakura engages Mika and Kiba and Akamaru plié through the Murakami clan members with their Fang Over Fang Jutsu.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now