Chapter 65

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Third Person's P. O. V:

The sound of the entrance collapsing rumbles through the hideout as Yamato and his team follow Hinata through the winding tunnels to Ayumi's cell.

So far they haven't met any Murakami clan members.

Hinata makes a turn but suddenly gasps.

"Hinata, what is it?" Yamato asks.

"Someone's coming!" She responds. Yamato gestures for her and the others to duck back behind the corner, into a little alcove. They went on silence as a woman with her blonde hair in a high ponytail walks past. She pauses, gazing around, but doesn't even glance in the Leaf ninja's direction.

The woman remains there with her green eyes narrowed for another moment, before she continues down the corridor.

Once the woman was out of sight, Yamato and he group move forward, walking briskly.

Sakura tenses as she feels someone step on her foot. She whips an annoyed glare to Naruto beside her. "Ow, that was my foot, you idiot!" Sakura snaps.

"Oh, sorry, Sakura-chan!" Naruto quickly apologises.

After making another right turn and going further down the corridor, Yamato and his team come to a stop upon a door with four guards outside it. They immediately jump to alert upon seeing the Leaf ninja.

"Who are you?!" The blonde man on the right demands. Akamaru growls at them.

"We're Hidden Leaf ninja," Says Yamato.

Naruto stalks forward as he punches his palm. He demands with a glare on his face, "And you'd better move out of our way, because our friend's in there, and we're taking her back right now!"

The guards clutch their spears to prepare for battle. They charge forward. While Naruto dodges his opponent's spear and punches and kicks the guard until he was unconscious, Yamato wraps his opponent in wood before they could get one hit in.

"You just sit tight right there," Yamato tells the green eyed man as he sets him to the side. He even makes sure to wrap some wood around the man's mouth.

"Captain Yamato! I have the keys!" The brunette looks to see Sakura holding up a key chain, a triumph grin on her face.

"Good work. Let's do this," Yamato says.

Sakura nods, face now serious, as she goes up to the door. Sakura eventually finds the right key and unlocks the door. It swings open with a slight creak and they enter the cell.

Kiba and the others stop short as they gasp at the sight before them: Ayumi is in the same outfit she was in when Raiden took her, but her boots, mask and water bottles were absent. That's what shocks the Leaf ninja. Ayumi was chained to the wall with her arms above her head and chained ankles bent behind her, head lowered. She was covered in cuts and stab wounds, a few loose bandages were on her arms and legs, and there was a deep looking wound on her left abdomen.

"Ayumi-chan!" Naruto and Kiba exclaim as Hinata covers her mouth with her hand from shock, white eyes wide.

"Oh, no...!" The Hyuga whispers as Naruto and Kiba rush up to Ayumi. She barely manages to lift her head enough to see them, Akamaru barking worriedly.

"K-Kiba-kun? N-Naruto-kun?" Ayumi stutters in a weak voice. She must've been like this for awhile.

"She needs urgent medical treatment!" Sakura gasps, rushing over. With another key, Sakura removes the shackles and Ayumi slumps to the ground, but Kiba catches her. He cradled me Ayumi's head in his lap as Sakura does hand signs and a mint green glow appears around her hands.

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