Chapter 12

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Gaara's eyes soon open and I help him into a sitting position. I murmur with Naruto, "Gaara/kun!"

"Ayumi? Naruto?" Gaara says in shock. He then gazes around in disbelief at the countless Sand shinobi gathered around us, Temari and Kankuro amongst them. "What is this...?" Sakura is holding Chiyo in her arms.

Naruto says, beaming at him, "They all came running to help ya! You've had everyone worried half to death

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Naruto says, beaming at him, "They all came running to help ya! You've had everyone worried half to death."

"Gaara-sama!" Matsuri cries as she races over, black eyes wide. Gaara leans back to look at her in shock. "Sir! Are you alright?!!" Numbed with shock, Gaara could only nod once. A huge smile breaks on on the brunette girl's face as she throws up her arms to cheer, along with her comrades. "Yeah!! Welcome back, Master!!"

The other Sand shinobi celebrate, grinning and laughing. I think some of them are even crying!

Naruto says to the redhead, "You sure had us worried, there."

I scold Gaara as my eyes turn to angry white animated triangles, "Don't ever do that to us again, Gaara-kun! Think about how Aki-chan would react?!"

"S-Sorry, Yumi-chan," He mumbles apologetically.

I hug him as I say, "I'm so glad you're alright!"

With his hands on his pockets, Kankuro inputs as he comes up to us, "No kidding. You sure caused us a whole ton of grief there, ototou!"

I pull back as Temari scolds us, "Ugh! Will you three quit putting on airs, already?! Gaara's the Kazekage, remember? Ugh!" She closes her eyes in annoyance. "Show a little respect—you nitwits." Naruto and I were scowling at her until Temari shoves us both to the ground. "Gaara! Talk to me! How do you feel?!" Gaara attempts to get up but couldn't just yet. "Easy, you shouldn't get up too quickly. Your body hasn't completely recovered from the Rigo Mortis yet."

"Oh, thanks to the heavens! I thought we'd lost him! Without the lord Kazekage....!" A guy was sobbing until he was hit in the head by Matsuri.

"Get ahold of yourself! There's no way we'd ever lose Gaara-sama!" The guy glares at her as Matsuri gushes about Gaara. "Gaara-sama is the hottest thing ever! He's a quiet, cool, strong and elite warrior...!"

Her friend agrees. "Yeah! Gaara-sama is totally gorgeous isn't he?! After all, he is Kazekage!"

Matsuri shoves the poor guy down as she rushes over to Gaara and says, "If anything were to happen to him, I'd protect with all my heart!"

"No! I will!"

"Get in line!" Matsuri snaps while shoving her friend. They then race over to Gaara. I cry out as the girl with long hair rams her butt into Naruto and Naruto is thrown back into me, the force knocking us both to the ground.

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