Chapter 77

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Nala and Kai growl as they roll about on the floor of the room I'm sitting in with Shikamaru, Shiho and Sakura in the Cryptanalogy Core, tugging at each other's ears with their teeth and batting at one another with their paws. I'm wearing my long sleeved pink kimono shirt with the flowers on the sleeves and red hakama pants with the wide purple obi around my waist, knee high black boots with the heels and blades hidden in them. On my hands are my pink forearm length fingerless gloves.

I also have my two water bottles strapped to my waist.

I also have my two water bottles strapped to my waist

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The cub's parents, were lounging around them, Shiori curled up beside me

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The cub's parents, were lounging around them, Shiori curled up beside me. I'd summoned Akane but left him with Ishi to spend time with her. Kiba is currently picking up Akamaru from a vet checkup.

It's been a week since Naruto left for training at MT. Myoubokou, but we haven't sent word to him yet about the autopsy. Shizune was still working on it with Ino's assistance. Right now, I'm helping Shikamaru, Shiho and Sakura in working out the answer to Jiraiya's coded message.

Izumi is also due to give birth any day now, though we're not exactly sure if it's today, tomorrow or the day after.

"Jiraiya-sama sent back three sources of information," Shikamaru begins, his arms crossed, sitting beside me, Sakura and Shiho sitting opposite us.

"Yes, namely a ninja from the Hidden Rain, one of Pein's bodies... and this," Shiho inputs with a blush in her cheeks as she slides the coded message photo across the table to the Nara, "a coded message."

I say, "Inoichi is in the Intel Division. They're working on the Hidden Rain ninja. I'm sure that he'll get information out of him."

Sakura adds, "And Shizune has made the autopsy on the remains of Pein's body her number 1 priority. I'm sure she'll learn something, too."

Shiho adds, glancing down at the photo, "Plus, we also have this message that we decoded with help from Naruto." Shiho looks up, frowning. ""The real one's not among them." That's it."

Shikamaru says, "So now, we have to take all of this information and somehow figure out the mystery behind this guy that's called Pein. The mystery of someone strong enough to take down even Jiraiya-sama." We fall silent while we think for a moment, Nala and Kai still rolling around and playing with each other. ""The real one's not among them." Maybe he's telling us the six Peins are all Genjutsu—a Jutsu cast by the female Akatsuki member, who was there, too. And she's the one who physically attacked Jiraiya-sama from the shadows..."

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