Chapter 29

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Naruto wonders aloud as the redhead starts walking toward us, "What's with her?!" The two of us were standing upside down on the cave ceiling.

"Oh, boy... I hate manual labor," The woman drawls. "And here the plan was to let the traps do the work without me having to get involved. I guess I have no choice. I'll take care of this."

"We'll end this lickety-split!" Naruto says cockily as we flip back down to the ground

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"We'll end this lickety-split!" Naruto says cockily as we flip back down to the ground. "Let's go!" Just then, the redhead vanishes. She reappears right in front of us and licks Naruto's left cheek, frightening him. "Whaaat?!" Naruto scoots bar away from her out of fear, eyes wide. Th woman also licks my cheek, making me hip out of my skin. I jolt back so I'm standing beside Naruto. He jabs a trembling finger at the woman. "What the heck are you doing out of the blue like that?"

She scratches her cheek as she muses, "What?! This taste of chakra leaking from your chakra networks. So you've got the rare diamond and wind chakra nature, huh?"

"So what if we do?!" Naruto yells in a flustered tone, clenching his fist.

"How about becoming part of my collection?" The woman invites.

"Huh?! Huh!" Naruto exclaims.

The woman flicks her hair with her left hand as she queries, "Do you prefer French or soft?"

My face immediately turns the same shade as her hair as I knew instantly what she means. Naruto, however, has no clue and asks, tilting his head, "Are those foods or something?"

I deadpan at his idiocy.

"They're kisses," She explains, smiling.

"In other words... you're going to kiss us?!" Naruto exclaims, face turning beet red.

The redhead laughs. "Yes. You're such an inexperienced boy. You still haven't had your first kiss?"

"Yikes! What?! Don't mess with me!" Naruto splutters, jerking his head back. He glares daggers as he clenches a fist. "Even I've had experiences kissing like Yumi-chan!" I give Naruto an arched eyebrow, as the memory of him kissing Sasuke by pure accident flashes through my mind. Naruto turns his head away as he mutters shyly, still blushing.

I snicker, "He kissed Sasuke-kun!" Naruto starts at this, whipping his shocked face to me.

"Ayumi-chan! Don't bring that up again!"

"I see. Well, whatever. How about having lots of fun with me?" The blue eyed woman asks.

Naruto snaps, "Not a chance! Who'd want anything to do with you?" Naruto grabs my hand and we whirl around, taking off opposite the enemy,

I hear her say behind us, "Oh, my... it been turned down..."

Naruto and I come to a stop a safe distance away. He mutters, "Hey, what's with her?! I'm not good with a woman like that."

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now