Chapter 51

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Shino, Sai, Naruto and I reach our spot on the other side of the lake.

Kakashi asks us, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah!" Naruto says eagerly, nodding.

Kakashi glances behind us to see Shino crouching behind some bushes as chakra swirls around him. He's breeding more of those insects. "Shino, how's it going?" Kakashi asks.

Shino answers, "I need a little more time."

"Alright." Kakashi turns to Sai as he says, "Sai, we'll keep the same formation Yamato used when he was captain. Got it?"

"Right. Understood."

"Speaking of Yamato, I forgot. You came from the same place he did," Says Kakashi, causing Naruto and I to glance at Sai.

Naruto asks, "Where's that?"

"The Anbu Black Ops," I answer. "Things like formations, teamwork and protecting your comrades aren't a high priority to them."

"She's right," Adds Kakashi with a glance at Shino. "Things are different now. You're to protect your comrades at all costs. Is that understood, Sai?"

"There's no need to worry," He says while giving Kakashi a closed eye smile. "That's the reason I'm still here. Because depending on your friends is something I believe in now." This makes both Naruto and I smile.

"Heh. So you're finally getting it now, huh?" The Uzumaki says.

"They're here!" Kakashi orders, snapping Naruto and I out of our dazes. We look up just in time to see Gozou descending upon us with a giant fist raised.

We all leap back onto the surface of the lake and avoid the powerful punch just before it hits the earth, creating a veil of dust.

I say, "We've gotta keep them away from Shino...!" I gasp as Gozou leaps through the dust and away as a barrage of crystal shuriken come flying towards Naruto and I.

I whip out twin katanas and we all deflect each of the shuriken, my arms moving at blinding speeds. Gozou lets out a war cry and I see him come down upon my Guardian. Kakashi puts his kunai in his mouth as he does swift hand signs. A wall of water rises up around him and propels Gozou away.

The big guy lands beside the shadow of another person, their figure veiled by dust. The dust reveals Guren, red lips smirking.

"You won't get away this time!" She tells us cockily.

"You again," Naruto growls, glaring as he leans forwards. "You've tricked Yukimaru into believing that you're his friend!"

Guren lets out an annoyed growl as she slams her fist into the water, "No! Shut up!!" Spikes of shiny rose quartz crystal shoot up from the water and towards Naruto.

Naruto leaps out of the way but I was there and slam my own hand onto the lake surface. Spikes of diamond shoot forward and slam powerfully into the crystal as it was shooting up towards Naruto who'd jumped up to avoid it. The two attacks shatter upon impact and shards of diamond and crystal rain down.

 The two attacks shatter upon impact and shards of diamond and crystal rain down

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The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now