Chapter 27

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Naruto mutters distastefully, glaring, "Hmph! There's that little jerk again!"

The trainer calls to the monks, "Free sparring. Begin!"

The monks all get into stances while facing one another. Then they launch a series of kicks and punches.

"Hm?" Naruto tilts his head as he watches Sora.

"What is it?" Sakura asks. Sora's opponent manages to punch his face, knocking him back a step. He then straightens his stance and clasps his hands together while bowing his head in respect. Sora gets into his stance again with the his right hand facing his opponent, and his opponent does the same. They resume punching and kicking one another.

Sora catches his wrist before the gray haired monk swings a leg and his opponent ducks under it. The bald monk goes to punch Sora but rests his fist against his chest before pulling back.

"Something's off about him," Naruto says thoughtfully.

"What's the matter with you?!" The Haruno demands. Sora throws a punch but the bald monk easily catches it and throws the gray haired boy on his back.

Is he holding back?

Naruto suddenly cries out, flailing his fists, "Aaarrgghh!! I can't stand him!!" Yamato shrugs as he glances to Sakura and I, steam bursting from Naruto's nose due to his anger. He growls, glaring.

The master down below calls, "Bow!"

The monks in training press their palms together as they bow their heads and chime in unison, "Thank you very much!"

I notice Naruto had disappeared from my side as they disperse. Sora turns, only to come face to face with the blonde, his hands behind his head.

"Eh? You again?" Sora utters.

Naruto starts waving his butt weirdly and swinging his fists as he taunts Sora, "So how 'bout it? Am I doing it right, or what?"

Sora glares at him as he hisses, "Beat it, will ya?! Don't waste my time!"

"Please! You're the only one who's wasting time!" The Uzumaki scoffs. "I don't know what passes for training around here, but it looked like dancing to me!"

"Oh, yeah?!" Sora snaps with a dark look.

"You really tick me off!" Naruto growls, startling him. "It's all just a joke to you." He looks down as he adds, "And I don't really know why, but it's starting to make me mad!"

Sakura scowls, clenching a fist, "Naruto! That idiot!" All the other monks have stopped to watch.

Sora states, "Your name's Naruto, isn't it?"


"Let me give you an even better one for the Afterlife!" A sneer tugs at Sora's lips. "Something for the world to remember you by."

Naruto's cerulean blue orbs widen as he mutters in confusion, ""Remember"?!"

I gasp as I see Sora's fist go flying for his face, "Naruto! Look out!" However, he was able to catch Sora's fist and prevent it from striking his face just in time, a smirk plastered to his lips. They tremble as they hold their stances before Naruto throws Sora back.

 They tremble as they hold their stances before Naruto throws Sora back

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The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now