Naruto Shippuden, The Movie: Part 3

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Neji says as we gather protectively around Shion, "We don't know which way they'll be coming from; protect Shion-sama!"

Shion says in annoyance, "Perfect. Good thing we've got all this water, huh? I thought you were the smart one in the bunch, Neji. We might as well give up!"

Neji activates his Byakugan as he searches for the enemy.

"They're over on that ridge, right?!" Naruto says as he starts to run forward.

"No! Stay where you are, Naruto!" Neji orders him.

"They're the ones controlling the Water Dragon, right?" I as I as I join Naruto, half turning back to the Hyuga. "I'll go with Naruto. After all, I'm a Lightning Style user, too! Let's go, Naruto!"

I grab his arm and drag him after me as the Hyuga tries once again to stop us, "Naruto, Ayumi, wait!"

But we were already gone, leaping for the enemy ninja. We leap over the rocks and Lee quickly catches up to us. We see Shizuku and Gitai a few yards ahead of us.

"You lousy...!" Naruto shouts as he and I leap up into the air, water engulfing my fists. Shizuku leaps backwards and our fists hit the ground instead. We end up destroying the ground as the Water Jutsu disperses, revealing the orange haired man unharmed.

"Naruto! Yumi-chan!" Lee calls as he runs up to us. However, the ground suddenly breaks apart, stopping Lee short. Gitai offers to be his opponent.

Naruto and I watch as Shizuku runs the tow of his purple flat on the ground before lifting up his leg, then holding it outward while pointing his town down. We notice water sliding off his shoe,

A droplet of water hits the ground as Shizuku says, "Water Style..." He slams his foot on the ground and water breaks through the earth, cutting clean through it. "... Surface Slicer!"

It races towards Naruto and I. "Jump!" I call and we do so before the water can slam into the earth we're standing on. Naruto and I take off for the woods, the orange haired man on our heels.

"You really believe all these rocks and trees are gonna shield you from me?!" Shizuku calls as he pursues Naruto and I by sliding along the water. "I think you two might be taking this a little... LIGHTLY!!" He slams the toe of his foot on the water and it shoots for Naruto and I. The two of us manage to leap up just in time to avoid it.

We decide to leap through the trees.

"Hohoho! I get it. You think you're safe up there in the treetops, huh?!" Shizuku notes. "I like that! Nice try... kids!"

He flings another burst of water at us. Naruto and I leap to either side in order to avoid it, and the water slices clean through the branch we were on.

"Dang it!" Naruto hisses in annoyance before we whirl around and do hand signs. "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

"Summoning Jutsu!" As several Narutos appear, I'm engulfed in a cloud of smoke.

I land on Kaminari's back and we hit the ground on all fours before dashing into the woods. I hear Shizuku call out, "Water Style: Dragon Water Whip!" I see through the trees a huge sphere of water as countless ropes are thrust at the Naruto Shadow Clones.

They're dispelled as each water rope strikes them.

Kaminari hides behind a tree as Shizuku attacks blindly, trying to find us. "You know, playing dead isn't going to work!" When he still didn't find us, Shizuku changed his water attack. "Water Attack: Drogon!"

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