Chapter 11

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Naruto peers up at the pinkette as he greets tiredly, eyes half lidded, "H-Hey, Sakura."

As we sit around each other on the floor, Kakashi praises, "You found us. Nice work."

Sakura tells us, "We felt a huge tremor a few minutes ago."

Naruto says in immense relief, "I'm glad you're here."

I ask, "So you guys did it?"

"Yeah," She says, nodding her head once.

Chiyo lets out a sigh as she gazes around. She says, "It looks like you're still having some trouble here, though."

I close my eyes and hang my head as I murmurs, "Unfortunately." Naruto winces at the memory.

Chiyo questions, "What about Gaara? Where's he?" Without saying a word, Naruto averts his gaze before flicking it up to the branch where the redhead is with his two Shadow Clones. Chiyo nods her head as she utters, "Alright."

I pause and look up with a hum, my head tilting curiously. "Hm? What do we have here?"

This causes everyone else to glance at me questioningly. Kakashi asks wearily, "What is it, Ayumi? Is it Deidara?"

A mean smirk appears on my lips, making Sakura, Kakashi and Naruto sweat drop as I say mysteriously, "Wait for it..." I hold up three fingers and fold each as I count down. "3, 2..." As I feel Team Guy and Deidara leap up off the ground, I finish, folding down my final finger, ".... 1!"

At that exact moment, the sound of kunai clashing rings throughout the forest, instantly gaining my teammate's attentions.

"Huh?!" Kakashi gasps, their eyes wide.

I state, "It's Guy's team!" More clashing sounds through the air."

I chuckle darkly as we hear Guy's team battle the Akatsuki member. It feels like they're attacking Deidara from all angles while he's trying to escape. There's a heavy rumbling as someone—most likely Guy Sensei—takes a tree down.

I feel Lee engage the clay user in Taijutsu. Then Neji gets into his signature stance before Deidara is thrown roughly against a tree. Deidara dodges one of Tenten's attacks before Team Guy follow him through the trees.

Deidara reappears by his demolished clay bird, a few metres behind me and my group.

I call to Team Guy, "Be careful, everyone! He's a long range fighter who uses explosives!"

Deidara drops the kunai in his mouth and bites into the clay bird, chewing it. Team Guy tense as the blonde man jumps in front of them.

"I think it's about time I revealed my ultimate work of art!"

As Deidara's body begins to expand, Neji activates his Byakugan and states, "He's concentrating all of his chakra into a single point! Oh no..." Neji throws out an arm as he warns us, "Everyone, get out of here, immediately!!"

As Team Guy retreat, Deidara's body grows in size as he yells triumphantly, "Art... is an explosion! Heh!!"

I jump to my feet as both teams try to make their escape; the two Naruto Shadow Clones hold Gaara up between them while Sakura takes Chiyo-sama. I grit my teeth, glancing back at the flames nearing us each racing second.

We're never going to make it!

Just as the explosion is about to go off, there's a blinding flash of light. When it dies down, we gape when we see the exploding flames had vanished.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now