Chapter 31

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

"You're the owner?" Sora inquires as he rises to his feet. Sora adds as he waves his hand dismissively, "If you are, then keep a leash on him and train him to not bark all of a sudden!"

Kiba cracks his knuckles as he tells Sora, "Akamaru isn't a pet! And he barked at you because you're suspicious! Where are you from?!"

I go up to Kiba and place my hands on his shoulders as Akamaru appears on his other side, barking once in agreement.

I try to stop Kiba from suddenly attacking my new teammate as Sora responds, "I'm from the Fire Temple." Sora sneers at us. "I've come to take over this village."

"Huh?" Kiba utters, tilting his head in confusion as Akamaru barks again.

"I'm sorry about this, Kiba-kun. I can explain," Naruto begins as he comes up behind me. "He's kind of with our team and..."

I input bluntly, "He's an idiot."

"Naruto, Ayumi! Is he with you?" Kiba wants to know as he points at Sora and the Uzumaki joins us.

Sora snaps in annoyance, the backs of his hands on his hips, "Knock it off! I'm not friends or anything with these guys!"

Kiba tells him, wrapping his arm around my waist as he tugs me close, "You're right about that, 'cause Ayumi-chan is my girl, got it?"

I give Sora a warning look as Naruto snaps, "Just keep quiet, Sora!"

"Fighting's not good, you guys," Says Choji's voice as he walks down another set of steps with Shikamaru. "Don't be so testy and let's get along."

"Shut up, fatty," Sora says simply and bluntly. Here, the Akimichi stops abruptly as he drops his chip packet while Naruto and I gape at Sora, unable to believe he's just blatantly called our friend that.

Shikamaru gapes at Choji as he stutters, trembling, "D-Did you just say... "fatty"?"

"Yeah? So what if it?" Sora asks as he goes up to them and sneers at Choji.

"Th-This is not good," Stutters Shikamaru.

"Uh oh..." Says Naruto nervously.

Sora cries out, "Alright! Let's have a battle royale!"

Kiba pulls away from me as he charges forward with Akamaru at his side, "Are you an idiot?! You're the only opposition here! Let's go, Choji!"

I go stand beside the Nara as Sora leaps up above a lamppost, taunting, "Heh! What can you do with a fatty like that?!"

"You said "fatty" again, eh?!" Sora freezes when the Akimichi suddenly loons up behind him, a shadow over his eyes. Choji grabs Sora by his shoulders and shakes him roughly. "I'm not fat! I'm just chubby!"

"Whoa, you idiot! Cut it out!" Sora cries as the lamp starts rocking from Choji shaking him.

Kiba says as he and Akamaru leap up into the air, "Alright! Keep a hold on him, Choji!"

Kiba and Akamaru go to launch themselves at Sora but the wooden roof of the lamp breaks n half and they fall to the ground.

"You guys are dirty!" Sora exclaims, dodging Kiba and Akamaru before kicking Choji in the face with his sandalled foot.

Naruto wonders as he joins me and Shikamaru, "Oh! It's one against everyone?"

I say, my hands planted firmly on my hips as I lean some weight in my left leg, "It can't be helped. He asked for it." Shikamaru hums in agreement from beside me, hands folded behind his head.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now