Chapter 14

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I make sure both Tsuki, Shiro, Sakura and Setsuna have enough food while I'm on mission and finish packing my bag, then I go to check in on Kakashi before I meet up with my teammates.

I sign in and go to Kakashi's room and knock on the door. I slide it open and poke my head in, giving my Guardian a smile. He's sitting up with his Icha Icha Paradise book, wearing a sleeveless pack shirt.

"Heeeyy, Kashi-kun!" I greet as he gazes at me.

"Ayumi! What are you doing here?" He asks.

I reply as I slip in and slide the door closed, "What? I'm not allowed to visit my favourite team captain?" He blushes a little sheepishly but looks happy I called him that.

Kakashi chuckles as I go and perch n the chair next to his bed. "Sorry. I just didn't expect you to visit before your mission. I heard you got your new teammate from the Foundation, and your new captain is a former Anbu?"

I nod my head before frowning. I grumble, crossing my arms, "The new captain, Yamato, is cool, but our new teammate, Sai, is an asshole." Kakashi coughs while gagging through a laugh. "He not only only attacked me and Naruto-kun awhile ago out of nowhere, but he has an incredibly foul mouth! You should've been there when he talked so rudely about me and Naruto-kun. He even had the balls to call Pinky "ugly.""

Kakashi sweat drops as he mutters, "I could imagine how that would've turned out... please tell me you didn't do anything drastic?"

I pout as I say, "I only froze him to the pillar until Yamato convinced me to unfreeze him." Kakashi sweat drops again.

"Since I know you're the most level headed of the group, you're just going to have to keep them in line," He tells me.

"I'm actually thinking of letting Pinky punch Sai's lights out next time."

"Oh, Ayumi..." Kakashi sighs in slight exasperation.

"What? He deserves it," I mutter.

Kakashi says to me, "By the way, I told Yamato about how you're able to calm Naruto down simply by being with him, and about your past with the Murakami clan." I gaze at him in slight surprise. "He was stunned, to say the least. He has Wood Style which he can use to suppress Naruto's Nine Tails."

My eyes widen further as I breathe, "Wood Style? I thought that was just a myth since the time of the First Hokage. How does Yamato know it?" Kakashi doesn't say anything and I get the hint.

"I also told him about your night terrors, just so he knows what to expect should you struggle to wake up from them."

I sweat drop slightly as I chuckle sheepishly. "Eheheh... I'll try not to punch him in my sleep..."

"That's all I can ask." Kakashi sends me a closed eye smile. Then asks me seriously, "By the way, shouldn't you...?"

I cry out in surprise as my eyes bug in their sockets once I realise what he means. "Oh, no! I'm gonna be late!!" I give Kakashi a quick hug for before running to the door. I pause and wave back as I add, "Hope you get better soon, Kashi-kun!"

"Thanks, Ayumi! Try not to kill each other while on mission," He responds with another closed eye smile.

I call back as I leave, shutting the door behind me, "No promises!" I make a quick dash for the main gate but make a pit stop on the way. I smile when I see Kiba, Hinata and Shino are still here. "Kiba-kun!"

They turn and said brunette grins at me toothily. "Ayumi!" I grab his arm and pull Kiba away from his teammates to the fence. "What is it? Did you succeed in finding a new teammate?"

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now