Chapter 75

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

The sun was rising over the ocean as Kiba and I gallop back to my house, having ridden Setsuna through the waves lapping on the shore. When we return, I hose Setsuna down and Kiba helps me to gather my things. Then we go to meet up with our group at the beach.

I'd also stopped by the temple to refill my Divine Water seal.

When we arrive, I blink my eyes at the sight of Izumi, Hikaru, Yuki, Haru and Akira being there. Mio was with them, too, though she's looking a bit disappointed.

"Hey, guys. Daddy, is this the group coming back with us?" I greet as Kiba and I stop before them.

"Yes. Well, except your brother. He's staying back with Mira, Madoka and Yuu to help protect the island. Mio is staying behind, too," Dad tells me.

That explains the disappointed expression.

I glance at Mio who pouts. "No fair. I really wanted to go!" Mio complains, stomping her foot and crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry, dear, but not this time. You can visit next time," Izumi promises.

"I still really wanna go and see the others, but fiiinnee! You've gotta tell me all about it when you get back, Izumi Sensei," Mio says with a stern look at the pretty raven haired woman who lets out a chuckle and ruffles Mio's hair.

"Of course I will! Just be good for Hikaru, alright?" Izumi adds with a glance at me, "Hikaru's offered to look after her while I'm in Konoha."

I smile at my brother as I say, "That's very good of you, nii-san."

"But of course." Hikaru winks at me. He then grins at the younger girl. "We're still going to have a lot of fun, aren't we?"

Mio smiles and nods her head. "Yup!" She says, popping the p.

"Good luck, sis, and be safe," Hikaru says as he hug me tightly.

"Thanks, and I will," I murmur back.

When we break the hug, Hikaru turns to my boyfriend, saying sternly, "You'd better protect her out there, Dog Boy."

"Heh. 'Course I will! I'll protect Yumi-chan with my life!"

Dad smiles at Kiba before he turns to Kakashi. Dad says, "Even though your mission to guard my daughter has ended, Kakashi, I'd still like for you to allow her to live with you. I can see that you both need each other."

Kakashi gives dad his signature closed eye smile, his visible eye forming a u, and says, "Of course she can keep living with me, Kazuki-sama. And I'll still protect her as well, even though it's no longer a mission."

Both men clasp each other's forearms firmly.

"Thank you so much, Kakashi," Dad says gratefully. Dad steps up to me and we share a fierce hug before I head to the boat with my Kongoseki members.

"I can't wait to get home!" Sakura says. I nod my head in agreement.

"Same! I'm really glad my dad is letting me go back. I would've missed you guys unbearably!" I say with a dramatic sigh.

"We would've missed you just as much, Ayu-chan," Hinata tells me as Shino nods his head.

"She's right. Why? Because you're our friend," Shino says, making my lips twitch in a smile. I blink my eyes in surprise as I feel Kiba take a few strands of my black hair in his fingers and press them to his lips, eyes closed.

I glance at the Inuzuka as he pulls back, keeping my hair in his hand, and says, "I think I would've missed you the most out of everyone in the village, Ayu-chan."

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now