Chapter 34

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Genma calls to the gathered shinobi, "Get back!!" Everyone jumps out of the way in time to avoid the mound of earth racing toward us.

We keep moving back until the mound stops, crushing some buildings in the process.

As I land, my eyes jerk wide as I sense a huge amount of people within the mound. Just what is that thing?!

Genma mutters through clenched teeth as he rises to his feet, "It's just one thing after another... these guys are awful..." Genma looks down slowly as something latches onto his ankle. Only to see blue tinted flesh gripping onto him.

I gasp as a head with matching coloured flesh pops out of the mound. The rest of the body follows and another dead person emerges from the ground near it.

Fudo says, "This is the ultimate Earth Style Jutsu! Soil Bodies!" I gasp as I recognise the name of the Jutsu from my time with the Murakami clan. Raiden had made me study on all different kinds of Jutsu, and Soil Bodies was one of them. "Come back to life, shinobi corpses!"

"Dammit!" I think with gritted teeth, watching as more dead people continue to pop out of the mound, groaning, their eyes pupiless and white. Genma was able to free himself from the hand by stabbing it with a kunai and land next to me as the white haired man laughs maniacally.

"Our dead shinobi are your opponents!" The white haired man tells us.

"What?! We're being invaded?!" A voice exclaims from behind me. I glance over my shoulder to see Kiba running up to us, Akamaru, Choji, Ino and Rock Lee with him. Kiba sees me and asks, "Are you okay, Yumi-chan?"

I nod as I respond, "I'm okay."

Lee utters, gazing up at the mound, "But... what is this?"

"There's so many of them," Choji says.

"And this... this isn't normal," Ino adds.

Genma tells them without looking, "You guys are late!"

Kiba demands to know, "Genma-san! What's going on here?!"

"We're going to find that out right now." He then addresses the Yamanaka. "Ino, I leave the Medical Ninja Team backup to you!"

"We're counting on you!" Konohamaru's Sensei, Ebisu, says to her.

"Right!" Ino gazes at the dead bodies before she exclaims, "That tattoo..." It's of two black tomoe swirling around each other with black lines on either side.

"It's the Kohaku clan," Choji says upon recognising it.

I tilt my head. The who now...?

"What's... the Kohaku clan?" Genma asks, just as lost as I am.

Ino answers, "They're a shinobi clan from near the Land of Fire border... and their village was one of the villages victimised by the past several days of attacks."

Choji adds, "We went on an investigation to a different village and almost all of the villagers were killed in one night."

Ebisu wants to know, "How could they do this to fellow Land of Fire countrymen? That's unforgivable!"

Ino asks as she looks at Choji, "Then... that means these people are the ones who were killed?"

Genma muses, "The enemy probably used some kind of Reanimation Jutsu to bring them back to life."

I explain, "It's the Soil Bodies technique. It allows a person to bring people back from the dead. And this is the result. Raiden made me study every type of Jutsu in the world he had knowledge on. I refused to learn this technique, though. Messing with the dead like this... they're despicable!"

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