Naruto Shippuden, The Movie: Part 2

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

My teammates and I are taken to the meeting room to meet with Shion, the priestess. The man with her before, Taruho, is bowing so that his face is to the floor as the screen is lifted to reveal the blonde woman from earlier.

She has ash blonde hair and wears a pink kimono with a silver bell tucked into it, and a good crown on her head.

She has ash blonde hair and wears a pink kimono with a silver bell tucked into it, and a good crown on her head

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"Behold! Shion, the priestess of the Land of Ogres," Taruho introduces, straightening.

We all introduce ourselves, starting with Neji.

"I am Neji Hyuga, My Lady. Captain of the Leaf's Team 7."

"I am Rock Lee." Lee salutes her.

"Hi, Sakura Haruno!" The pink haired girl beams.

"Princess Ayumi Kongoseki," I say with a kind smile.

"Naruto Uzumaki! How's it hanging?" The Uzumaki greets casually, I bump him in the gut with my elbow painfully hard, causing the Uzumaki to hunch over, before sitting back, an innocent smile on my face. Naruto groans while clutching his gut.

Neji says as Naruto argues with me, "We've come to escort Shion-sama to the sealing shrine."

"What was that for?!"

"Shut up! You're making us look bad. You don't just greet a priestess that casually!" I hiss back.

Taruho was saying, "A lot of lives were lost last night."

"What are you talking about—argh!!" I elbow him in the gut again, emitting another pained groan.

"Just be quiet!" I shoot him a warning glare.

"And just as Shion-sama foretold, Suzuki was among that number," Taruho says sadly.

"Naturally," Shion speaks up, causing Naruto to raise his eyes to her pink ones. "But as you can see, I still breathe. I'm sure they shoulder both regret."

My fingers twitch as the memory of the dead bodies in the yard flash through my mind. It takes all my will to remain seated. Naruto, however, bares his teeth as he snarls.

"Now, you wait just a minute!" He jumps up onto the altar and grabs the front of the priestess's kimono, tugging her up to him and making her gasp. The action causes the bell to hit the floor with a jingle. Naruto throws his free arm out for emphasis. "All those people died for you!! You should show a little respect!!"

I growl as Sakura, Neji, Lee and I rush up and restrain him, my gloved hand over Naruto's mouth firmly, "Naruto! Quit it!" Sakura and Lee have wrapped their arms around his waist, while Neji shoves down on Naruto's head.

"You idiot!!" The Hyuga hisses. We shove the blonde to the floor. "Sit still, will you?!"

Naruto glares at us as Shion gets to her feet and steps over, staring at me and the Uzumaki as though she's seen ghosts. Shion places her hand on my arm pointedly and I remove my hand, allowing for Naruto to gulp in air. I then drop my other arm as I gaze at her curiously.

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