Chapter 84

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

"Diamond Style: Diamond Encampment Wall!" I slam my hands on the ground and create a reinforced wall out of diamond behind me. The shuriken clink against it as they clatter to the ground.

Sasuke cries out with exertion as he summons Chidori to us right hand. I do more fast hand signs and create a diamond dome around my Guardian, though I know it'll be useless against the Chidori.

"Ayumi?! Ayumi, let me out of here!" He commands, hitting his fist against the wall.

I ignore him as I dive to the side to avoid the Chidori. There's a loud crack as Sasuke's Chidori hits my Diamond Encampment Wall. I jump down to the water below, my black hair flying up behind me, and Sasuke follows a heartbeat later.

"You're fast, even with a Sharingan, I'll give you that," Sasuke mocks me. "My Sharingan is in a completely different league than Kakashi's. Watch!" Here, he closes his eyes to activate Mangekyo Sharingan, revealing shuriken like irises overlapping each other.

I start when a giant, skeletal figure covered with purple flames envelopes Sasuke's body. The head has horns and bright, glowing yellow eyes. It holds a crossbow in one hand and a bolt in the other.

"That's...!" I gasp, recognising it as Susanoo, from what Kakashi had told me.

The being knocks the bolt in the crossbow and takes aim at me. I do fast hand signs, holding down my right wrist.

Just as it fires the bolt, I say, "Diamond Style: Fangs of the Tiger Jutsu!" With rapid speed, I form the head of the tiger around my right wrist. Punching forwards, I launch it at the incoming bolt. The tiger head grows as large as the Susanoo and opens its maw.

With a crunch, it clamps its teeth around the bolt and absorbs it, though not without releasing an explosion. Water rains down on me, soaking my hair and causing my bangs to stick to my forehead.

I nearly sag in relief, the tiger head floating back to me. "If I hadn't been quick enough with this Jutsu, I'd have been dead," I think, seeing Sasuke is breathing heavily.

I query, "Is that the Susanoo?"

"Impressive," Says Sasuke as he smirks. "For someone who's not an Uchiha, you sure do know a lot. Then again, I suppose Kakashi is your Guardian. That Fangs of the Tiger Jutsu is also pretty fast. It seems to me you were saved by it."

I beg urgently as the rest of the downpour dies down, "Sasuke, listen to me! More than just your clan is in you—more than just hatred! Look deep inside your heart, one more time."

"Are you really still going on about that?" Sasuke asks.

I hood my eyes as I say, "I think deep down you know the truth."

"All the laughter," Says Sasuke in distaste. "Everyone of you is laughing!" Sasuke glares at me. "Itachi sacrificed his life but you're still laughing, cackling together like fools! You're just ignorant of everything!" I gasp when a helmet is placed over the being's head. "I can hear nothing but contempt and jeering in your voices. I wanna change those laughs to screams and wails of misery!"

Susanoo lets out a bone chilling roar that makes my hair on the back of my neck and arms stand on end.

Sasuke laughs maniacally before looking to me. "How about it, Ayumi?! Can your Diamond Release extinguish power like this?! Now I'll show the difference between the real thing and the fake!" Susanoo roars but then Sasuke staggers, letting out a cry of pain. The armor around Susanoo disappears. Sasuke groans in agony while rubbing his bleeding and non bleeding eye. "Dammit!!" Sasuke drops his hands to stare back at me in shock. He seems to be having trouble seeing properly after that.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now