Chapter 57

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

The morning sun shines brightly down on us as my team and split to find the bandits. We were told their hideout is somewhere outside so that's where we've started.

I pause beside a tree and gaze around. "Where could those bastards be?" I wonder aloud. I've been searching for nearly two full hours but have seen no sign of them.

I activate my Seismic Sense Jutsu to feel for of their vibrations. When I get nothing after a couple of minutes, I continue to search.

It was another two hours before I feel a presence behind me, making me pause.

"Well, well! What's a pretty little girl like you doing out here?" Asks a voice. I turn to see two men, one with blonde hair, blue eyes, one with brown hair and green eyes. He was the one who spoke first.

"Are you lost?" The blonde man asks.

"Nope. In fact, I'm looking for some people," I respond. "You two wouldn't happen to know if some bandits roaming this area, would you?" I place my hand on my hip.

The men exchange glances before they sneer back at me.

"Yeah, we know 'em," Drawls the brunette as he begins to take out his katana. He suddenly disappears and reappears right in front of me. "They're right here!"

I create my Diamond Katana and bring it up in time to block his, emitting a clang, while I notice his blonde haired friend seemingly turning invisible.

As I deselect my opponent's attacks, I focus my Seismic Sense Jutsu on the ground. I feel the man come up right behind me.

"Diamond Style: Crying Cherry Tree Sapling!" I chant before slamming my hand on the ground. Thorns of diamond shoot up towards the brunette. He skilfully evades them while I spin around and send a Diamond Needle flying for the second bandit.

There's a grunt and he reappears in my vision. I smirk.

"H-How did you...? How did you know?!" He stutters, a cut on his left cheek from my needle.

"Surprise attacks like that won't work on me, not with my Seismic Sense Jutsu activated," I say while slashing my sword for him. He barely manages to jump back to avoid it.

The man scowls and does hand signs. "Earth Style: Earth Dragon!" Slamming his hands on the ground, a dragon of earth rises up and rises before lunging for me. Still smirking, I jump up and land on its head. I slam my sword into the side of the dragon as I run down along it, slicing it open. I jump off and the dragon splits in half, crumbling right the ground. I swing my katana a few more times for the blonde until I feel a presence behind me.

"You should really pay more attention, kid!" I thrust up a blade in my left boot to block the sword from the first bandit, much to his shock. We remain there while I continue to hold back his sword, though I can feel my leg trembling slightly.

The blonde jumps back as he smirks and does more hand signs. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" He blows out a powerful stream of flame that rapidly morphs into a fireball.

I kick back against my second opponent, knocking him away a bit and quickly do hand signs myself, focusing chakra to the back of my throat. "Water Style: Raging Waves Jutsu!" Water bursts from my mouth and collides head-on with the fireball.

The waves grow bigger until the flames begin to die down. A loud hiss sounds out as my Water Jutsu extinguishes the Fire Jutsu, until the flames are completely gone.

A  long with their caster.

"I will admit, you're better than we thought for taking the two of us on, Diamond Princess," Says the brunette as he goes to stand next to his friend. "We were given orders to bring you with us, should you be on this team of Leaf ninja."

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