Chapter 22

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

We find a place to camp out tonight and I set up a Diamond House, impressing Captain Yamato. Once we were settled, I cook dinner with Hinata's and Sakura's help before dishing it out. Everyone seems happy with it.

"By the way, Ayumi-chan," Says Kiba, "we saw some of your clan members before leaving for the mission.

I nod my head. "Yes. Naruto, Sakura, Sai and I saw them when we got back from our previous mission. Apparently they're here for a visit."

I give a closed eye smile as Kurenai says, "It's been awhile since you last saw your brother, isn't it, Ayumi?"

"It has. Haven't seen him since I left home all those weeks ago."

Sakura says, "Well, I think it's exciting that your clan members are able to come visit."

"It really is," I agree. We chat in content while we continue to eat until we decide to go to sleep a couple of hours later.

My teammates and I get up early the next morning and my Diamond House sinks back into the ground before we resume making our way to Sakura Village.

The next two days were uneventful and we reach Sakura Village by around sunset. We pause in a street as Naruto and Sakura gaze around in awe.

"So this is Sakura Village, huh?" Naruto utters.

"It's beautiful," Sakura murmurs.

"There's an inn with hot springs Kiba-kun, Hinata-chan, Shino and I stayed in last time not too far from here. Let's stay there for the night," I suggest.

Yamato nods his head as he agrees, "Good idea, Ayumi. Lead the way."

"Okay." I begin to head down the street, remembering the way to the inn, when a familiar voice calls to me.

"Ayumi-chan!!" I look up just in time to see a blonde boy with blue eyes running up to me, grinning widely. He appears right before me and grasps my hands, giving me a closed eye smile. "Ayumi-chan! I can't believe you came back! It's so good to see you!"

"O-Oh! H-Hiro. It's good to see you too," I stutter in surprise as my teammates stare at me in shock, before I feel Kiba glaring deathly at the blonde.

"I don't suppose that mutt is around you still?" Hiro asks hopefully.

Before I could say anything, Kiba says angrily, stomping up to me, "Hey!! That's my girlfriend! Back off!" He shoves Hiro back and hugs me protectively against his side. "Snd, yes, I am still around her."

Hiro glares right back. "Mutt. You're back too, huh. I'd have thought you'd have left him by now, and that you came back for me, Ayu-chan."

"There's no way Ayumi would ever come back for a jerk like you!" Kiba snaps and the two get into an argument.

Sakura says from behind me, "Well, I guess that would be Hiro, then. One of Ayumi's many fans."

"Uh huh," Naruto agrees, nodding his head.

I give Captain Yamato and Kurenai a helpless look, as I've been caught in the middle of their arguments again. They look just as helpless.

Kiba and Hiro wouldn't stop arguing as I feel my left eye twitching. I snap, making everyone flinch, "Alright, that's enough!! Both of you! Hiro, I am still with Kiba as he's my boyfriend, and the only reason I came back here was to help deal with the bandits attacking the village. Then I'm going back home, understand?" I give him a serious look and ignore Kiba smirking smugly. Hiro pouts but nods his head in understanding. I let out a breath of relief. "Good. I'm glad that's settled. Hiro, you should probably head home. Come on, guys. Let's go to Wisteria Inn."

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now