Chapter 83

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

It was snowing and the ground was covered in it as I travel a safe distance behind Sakura, Sai, Lee, Akamaru and Kiba, trying to stay out of sight while also keeping my friends within my sensory range.

"Where could they be going?" I murmur aloud to myself as I near a village within the Land of Iron, seeing Sakura's group standing before Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato.

I duck behind a building and create a Diamond Telescope so I could see what's going on. They were talking, but I couldn't quite hear what they were saying. I see Lee and Yamato reacting with stunned expressions while Naruto gapes at the pinkette.

I strain my ears to listen and eventually, Sakura's and Naruto's voices reach my ears.

Naruto stammers, cerulean blue eyes wavering, "Sakura... what was that? What did you just say? 'Cause I don't think I heard you right. Say it again?"

With a light blush on her cheeks, Sakura says, "I guess. Sure. What I said was... I love you, Naruto." Naruto gapes as I do, unable to believe what I just heard. "And you also need to know that Sasuke doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I was totally crazy to ever like him in the first place. You listen more carefully when a girl confesses her feelings to you."

I notice Naruto's wavering eyes steady as a serious expression settles on his features.

Naruto demands, holding up his hands, "But, why, huh? Tell me! If this is supposed to be some kind of joke or something, it's not funny at all, Sakura!" Here, he throws his arm out for emphasis before clenching his fist. "What happened?!"

Sakura shakes her head as she insists, "It's nothing, really!" She holds up her hand as she adds, "I just finally realised my true feelings. And I can't continue to live a rogue shinobi—a criminal, can I? I'm not a child anymore. It's time for me to face up to reality."

I was clenching my free fist so tightly as I grit my teeth and a red tick mark appears on my forehead. "What the hell is that Pinky up to?! Is she seriously trying to get in the way of my NaruHina ship?! Not while I'm around, she's not!" I think in frustration.

 "What the hell is that Pinky up to?! Is she seriously trying to get in the way of my NaruHina ship?! Not while I'm around, she's not!" I think in frustration

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Sakura closes her eyes as she gives the blue eyed boy a smile. "So that's why, Naruto, you can forget about that promise you made to me. You can stop, alright? Stop chasing after Sasuke."

"What's going on—?!" An angry and confused Yamato exclaims as he begins to step forwards, only to be halted by Kakashi with his arm held out in front of him. I get the feeling my Guardian trusts what Sakura is trying to do.

I don't understand Sakura right now. For as long as I've known her, I've known she doesn't like Naruto that way. Not one bit. I don't understand why she's lying to him. In the end, Sakura's only going to end up hurting Naruto.

Sakura's smile doesn't waver.

Naruto breathes, "Look, Sakura, what happened to you? You just suddenly started liking me?"

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now