Chapter 1

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Pic of Ayumi's new outfit, just imagine her pink ribbon in her hair like in the first book, and her gloves are pink fingerless arm warmers—->

Pic of Ayumi's new outfit, just imagine her pink ribbon in her hair like in the first book, and her gloves are pink fingerless arm warmers—->

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I crouch low behind bushes outside of a fancy mansion, where my target is. It's been two and a half years since I left the Leaf Village for training in my homeland, but I have taken on assassination missions since.

Currently, I'm watching through my Diamond Telescope whether my target inside is the correct one. I'm wearing a pair of red hakama pants and long sleeved pink kimono shirt with pink designs on the sleeves. On my hands are pink fingerless gloves, and on my feet are knee high black boots with a heel, and the two blades hidden in them. My hair is left unbound with a pink ribbon tied around it, like with my previous attire

I smirk once I recognise my target. A man with his long hair in a topknot wearing a blue kimono.


I strap on my tiger ANBU mask and I use the Body Flicker Technique to teleport into the mansion. As expected, guards line the hallway. They immediately jump alert at the sight of me. I give them a closed eye smile.

"Hello! Would you mind showing me to the Master's room?" I ask politely.

"Do you have an appointment?" The one in front asks.

I keep smiling as I reply, "Why, yes! I do, have an appointment." I raise my hands and form swift hand signs. "Diamond Style: Scarlet Needle!" I flick my fingers and diamond needles protrude from his body.

The man cries out as they pierce his vital points before he collapses to the floor.

I do hand signs and water floats around my shoulders, from my hands. "Water Style: Water Stream." I then charge forward. I jump to avoid kunai knives thrown at me before I land, moving my arms swiftly. "Water Style: Water Whip Jutsu!" Water swirls around me and spreads outward, before slamming into the men and knocking them powerfully hard against the walls.

I continue down the corridor, only to be met with more guards. I keep going as they go to attack me with a Running Fire technique. I just fling out my arms and wrap my Water Whip around them, throwing each man against the wall in front of them. They grunt at the pain as I continue down the corridor.

"Water Style: Water Cloak Jutsu," I murmur, covering my arms with water. As I reach a set of fancy sliding doors, I spin around before thrusting my arms out. The water slams into the doors, throwing them off their hinges. I rush in and stop in a room with a futon on the floor, lamps glowing and a dark haired man with a droopy moustache sitting on the futon, cross legged.

"I knew you'd come, assassin," He says.

"Sorry to keep you waiting so long. Why don't I make this quick?" O retort.

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