Chapter 74

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Shiori runs through the forest with me on her back, the rain still coming down. I had created my Water Barrier to keep from getting wet.

I blink my eyes when I spot a man with his long spiky black hair in a ponytail holding Mio by the back of her shirt, Naruto and Hinata facing them while the Uzumaki is glaring.

"Let Mio-chan go!" Naruto commands. He goes to attack the thief but the man holds a kunai to Mio's throat, stopping Naruto short.

"One move from either of you and this little girl gets it!" The man threatens.

"You don't scare me! Now let me go you filthy thief!" Mio demands as she kicks back at him. The ravenette doesn't loosen his grip.

Shiori and I share a glance as word tugs at my heart for the ten year old.

I leap off of the blue eyed tiger and do hand signs. I murmur, "Earth Style: Gaia's Shackles." The man was oblivious to the earth covering his feet.

He raises his kunai knife and goes to attack Mio.

I wrap water around my fists and use my enhanced speed just as I see Naruto getting ready to attack. I appear right next to the man and punch the side of his face. He grunts but drops the girl, making her grunt at the slight pain.

"You'll regret threatening one of my own and stealing my land's sacred diamonds," I say lowly.

"Ayumi!" Naruto, Hinata and Mio exclaim.

The man swings his kunai and it slashes deep into my left upper arm, making me hiss. He goes to lunge for me only to fall forward when his feet remain stuck in the earth. His blue eyes bug in their socks as he falls.

Hinata dashes forwards and strikes the man's chest with her palms, Byakugan activated. "Gentle Fist!"

The man lets out a groan of pain as he's jerked back while Shiori grabs Mio in her jaws and jumps back to Naruto.

"Are you alright, young one?" Shiori asks as I free the thief and put diamond shackles on his wrists.

Mio nods her head, a grateful expression on her features. "Uh huh,. Thanks for saving me Shiori, Ayumi-sama."

I send her a smile as I say, "I'm just glad you're not hurt, Mio."

"What about you, Yumi-chan?" Asks Naruto as he glances to me. "I mean, you're injured. And that gash looks deep."

"Oh, I'll be fine. I can heal myself," I say before I begin to do just that. Once I was healing myself, we head back to meet with the others and learn that all of the thieves were captured.

We get there to find the rest of our teammates.

"It looks like that's all of them," Says Kakashi.

Yamato adds, "We also took back any of the diamonds the thieves stole."

I nod my head gratefully as I say, "Alright, then let's round them up."

Yuu and Madoka take them to the prison cells while the rest of us give out report to my father.

"I'm grateful for your assistance, Leaf ninja. It would seem as though there were more enemies than I initially thought. Thank you for all your help," Dad says.

Yamato utters, "Of course, Kazuki-sama. We were more than happy to help. We are allies, after all."

"Hopefully we won't have any invaders for sometime. We've been getting a few more of them because they're are less of us now."

Hikaru scoffs, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and foot propped up, "They're idiots if they think they can just waltz into our homeland and steal our diamonds like this."

"Yeah! They've got another thing coming to them!" Yuki adds, fist pumping the air.

"I'm just glad it's over for now," Haru says.

"Kakashi, when do you plan on returning to Konoha?" Dad asks.

"Tomorrow. We should be heading back as soon as we can," The Hatake answers, making my dad nod his head.

"Very well. I'll see you all off in the morning. You're all dismissed. Hikaru, I want you and the others to stay on standbys in case another mission comes up," Dad says with a glance at my brother, who gives a nod.

"Understood, father."

"You're all dismissed," Dad says. We bow slightly in respect and exit the tower.

"You were really brave back there, Mio-chan," Naruto says as we walk through the streets.

"Eh, I wasn't scared at all!" Mio says flippantly.

"Even though your life was in danger?" Sai queries.

"Nope. I wasn't scared at all!" Mio says with a shake of her head, grinning.

"Alright, gang. We'll be heading back to the Hidden Leaf Village tomorrow, so make sure you get some rest," Kakashi Sensei tells us. We all utter our agreement before splitting off to do our own thing for the rest of the afternoon.

I scoot over to Kiba and hug his arm as I suggest, "Kiba-kun! We should go for a date!"

He grins as he responds, "Sure! You decide where to go, Princess."

"Okay. Follow me," I say, grabbing his hand and leading Kiba in a direction.

At the restaurant, I sit next to my boyfriend as we wait for our order. When the waiter tried to get Akamaru to go outside because of an animal policy, I'd just given him a sickeningly sweet smile that made him so nervous, he was sweating until he quickly hurried off.

I think the waiter knew me as the Princess of the island, too.

"I feel like it's been forever since we've done this," I say, leaning against Kiba.

"I know, right? Things will get busy again when we get back to the Leaf."

"Yeah. It'll be back to the regular mission routine, and we've still got the Akatsuki to deal with," I murmur.

"I just feel better knowing you'd be there and helping us take them down," Says Kiba as he gently strokes my cheek, making me smile.

After our dinner date, Kiba walks me home. I read for a few hours before I start getting ready for bed.

As I was brushing out my hair on my bed, there's a knock on my door. I look to see it's Hikaru.

"Hey," I greet.

"Hey, So you're leaving tomorrow," He says, leaning against my doorframe with his arms crossed and foot propped up.

"I am gonna miss you, nii-san," I tell him.

"Right back at you, sis, but I know you'll be fine in the Hidden Leaf." He sends me a smile. "Well, I'll let you get to bed as you have to leave early tomorrow. Night."

"Goodnight, nii-san."

I watch my brother leave as he closes the door behind him before I finish brushing out my hair.

Then I turn off my light and get into bed.


On the morning we were supposed to be going back to Konoha, I was saddling Setsuna up to go for a ride when a voice catches my attention. I'd also ended up summoning Akane so he could spend time with Yuki's tiger, Ishi. Those two have been dating since the two and a half year time skip.

"Hey, Yumi-chan! Good morning!" I turn to see my boyfriend and his ninja hound, the Inuzuka waving.

"Good morning, Kiba-kun! Akamaru!" The ninja hound barks in response, tail wagging happily.

"I came to help you with your stuff. Need a hand?" He asks.

"That would be great, but I'm going for a ride before going back to Konoha. Wanna join me?"

"Sure," Says Kiba.

I smile before finishing tacking up my horse and leading her out of the paddock. I mount the palomino mare before helping Kiba up, then I kick her into a fast gallop for the forest.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now