That Time When Kokichi Brushed Himiko's Hair

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      Himiko was in hers and Tenko's room, standing in front of the mirror. Tenko and Angie were sitting on Tenko's bed as they watched Himiko fiddle endlessly with her hair. 

    "Himiko! Your hair looked fine before! Why are you messing it up? And for a degenerate male?" Tenko whined. "Not just any degenerate male, but the one that lies through his teeth every time he talks!"

    "Oh, hush, Tenko," Angie swatted playfully at Tenko. "It's so cute that Himiko wants to impress Kokichi! Besides, Atua thinks they'd be cute together! And who are we to argue with Atua?"

  "Pfff, Atua's never met Kokichi," Tenko mumbled. Angie gave her a smile that seemed almost threatening. 

  "Nyeh...I can't...get it....right," Himiko struggled to put her hair into pigtails. "Th-There...I think I got it." She turned to Tenko and Angie. "Does it look okay?"

   Tenko and Angie tilted their heads as they observed her hair. Himiko's pigtails were sloppily put up, and a bunch of untied hair strands stuck out of her head making her look like Pippy Longstocking had just been in a catfight. 

   "Um...well, at least your clothes look cute," Tenko tried to sound positive. Himiko sighed.

   "What's the use?" she said, hanging her head. "I think I'm trying too hard. Nyeh...having a crush is such a pain."

    "Do not worry, Himiko! That is what friends are for...for times like these," Angie said cheerfully, coming to Himiko's rescue. She properly brushed Himiko's hair into perfect, symmetrical pigtails. "See? Good as new!" Tenko nodded her head, impressed.

   "Nyeh...thank you, Angie!" Himiko threw her arms around Angie. "I knew I could count on the Ultimate Artist to get this right! you think he'll like it?"

    "He'd better!" Tenko butted in. "If he doesn't, I'm gonna pluck him like a chicken, and beat him like a drum!" 

   "Nyeh! Don't do that! Then I'll never see his face, again!" Himiko said.

   "Well, okay, but if he breaks your heart, I'm gonna break his face," Tenko insisted.

   "Nya-hahaha, it's beautiful how much you want to protect Himiko, Tenko, but perhaps we should let her handle this on her own," Angie suggested.

   "You mean, you guys aren't coming with me?" Himiko asked with concern. 

   "We'll go, but we WILL stay out of the way, right, Tenko?" Angie gave Tenko that ominous grin again. 

   "Okay, okay!" Tenko replied. 

   "Great!" Angie replied. "Let's go, ladies!" All three girls walked out of the room to go downstairs into the living room where everyone else was. They all turned to look at Himiko.

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