Supreme Lady Training (End)

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     "Okay, HimiCocoa Bean, a couple more lessons," Kokichi said. "As a Supreme Lady, you have to have an authoritative walk. Show me your best authoritative walk." Himiko cleared her throat and lifted her chin. As soon as she started to walk, she tripped over her own feet.

    "WAH!" she exclaimed, falling to the ground with a hard *thump.* Kokichi leaned over to help her up. 

   "You started a little bit too abrupt," Kokichi said. "Take it a little slower next time. Relax a little."

   "Nyeh...okay," Himiko nodded. Himiko took a deep breath, lowered her shoulders, and puffed her chest out. She began to walk, and although she didn't trip this time, a bee flew in front of her face, which startled her and interrupted her walk. "BEEEE!!!" Himiko screamed, wrapping her arms around Kokichi. 

   " was only a bee, Himiko," Kokichi laughed. 

   "THAT BEE WANTED TO KILL ME!!" Himiko screamed in a shaky voice. Kokichi smiled and rolled his eyes, nudging her off of him.

   "You'll BEE fine," he joked. "Now, c'mon, continue your walk." 

   "Okay...okay," Himiko breathed, shaking her nerves off. Again, she tried to appear confident, and began walking. Her walk seemed casual at first, but once she got into the groove, her walk turned into a march. Tenko, Angie, and Tsumugi began to cheer.

   "Add a little bit of sashay, Himiko!" Angie cheered. Himiko looked at Angie with uncertainty as she continued to march.

   "Nyeh...I'm not sure I know how to do that," Himiko said. "My hips weren't made for swaying."

   "Sure you can!" Angie said. "Kokichi, may I show her?" Kokichi shrugged nonchalantly.

   "Sure, whatevs," he said. Angie ran up to Himiko and stood a few feet in front of her.

   "It's all about the attitude, Himiko," she said. "Like Kokichi said, act like you own the place. You need to feel the confidence coursing through your veins. You need to let your inner sassy girl blossom! That's when you'll be able to do THIS!" Ange began to sashay towards Himiko, her hips bouncing and swinging perfectly with every step. On her face was a confident smirk, and over her eye was a lifted brow as if daring someone to say something to her. "Like that!" Angie said when she finished. "Now, you try!" Himiko walked to the spot where Angie started her demonstration. She just stood there, looking at Angie and Kokichi, who were silently waiting for her to start. Himiko timidly stuck one of her legs out and hovered it over the ground, causing it to shake.

   "Nyeh...I can't do this!" Himiko groaned, covering her face with her hands. 

   "Haha, that's okay, HimiCocoa Bean," Kokichi said, laughing. "You'll develop your Supreme Lady gait when you become more confident in yourself."

   "Yes, do not worry, Himiko!" Angie said. "Atua will grant you hips so that you can sashay much easier!"

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