That Time When Kokichi Helped Himiko Find Her Missing Diary (2)

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       Kokichi turned to leave the room when Himiko suddenly gasped. Kokichi whirled around at Himiko to see what she was gasping about.

   "What is it?" he asked. Himiko pointed down at his butt. Brown stains where on the bottom of his shirt and on his butt. "Aw, maaaan! I left chocolate in my back pocket, again?!" He reached into his back pocket to pull out a wrapper with chocolate oozing out of it. As he did so, he started chuckling. "Haha, that should be the name of a song! 'I wiki...I wiki...I left chocolate in my back pocket again! Whoooo!'"

   "You're not going to leave the house like that, are you?" Himiko asked incredulously. 

   "Nee-heehee, of course noooot," Kokichi replied, putting his hands behind his head. "If I did that, you'd be staring at my butt all day!"

   "N-No!" Himiko stuttered, trying to keep her composure. "That'd be really creepy!" 

   "Well, anyway, you need to go so I can change," Kokichi said, gently nudging Himiko towards the door and then gave her an impish grin. " want to stay and watch."

   "Nyeh...I'm leaving, okay?!" Himiko slammed the door shut for him and blushed when she was out of his sight. "Why must he say stuff like that?" she muttered under her breath. A few minutes later, Kokichi came out with clean clothes.

   "Okie-dokie! I'm ready to go, Himiko!" he said. "But, first, you have to tell me exactly what happened. When and where did your diary go missing?" Himiko tried her best to remember the details of what had occurred earlier that day in school.

   "Nyeh...well, I was in music class, and I was writing in my diary, something important. And then, Monophanie said I needed to stop writing in my diary and pay attention. And then, I sneezed. After I sneezed, I put my diary back into my bunny backpack. I got that bunny backpack from a magic store. Bunnies are an important aspect to magic shows, ya know? I remember one time when I-"

  "'re getting off topic," Kokichi interrupted, rolling his head with boredom. 

  "Sorry..." Himiko said. "Well, I put my diary in my bunny backpack which was hanging on the back of my seat. Then, everyone got up to get their instruments. I got up to go get my mallets on the other side of the room where the percussion instruments are, since I play the xylophone. But, as I went to go stand behind the xylophone, a thought came to me that I needed to write down in my diary, and I needed to do it quick before Monophanie caught me. So, that's when I went to my seat and reached into my bunny backpack to find my diary was go-HEEEEY!!! YOU'RE NOT EVEN LISTENING!!!" Himiko was so lost in recalling what had happened that she hadn't noticed Kokichi sleeping with his mouth wide open.

   "Wh-What?" he opened his eyes abruptly. "Oh! My bad, Himiko! It's just that your story was so boring I couldn't help myself."

   "Nyeh...well, it wouldn't hurt to pay attention, you know?!" Himiko shouted. 

   "Nee-heehee, don't worry, HimiCocoa Bean. I heard everything!" Kokichi replied, laughing. "So to recap, you put the diary in your backpack after Monophanie reprimanded you. Then, you got up to get your xylophone sticks, or whatever, while the others also went to get their instruments. Then, you had a thought that you wanted to write down in your diary, and when you came back and reached into your backpack, the diary was gone, right?" Himiko nodded. "And you said that your backpack was hanging on the back of your chair?"

   "Nyeh...yup," Himiko replied. 

  "Hmm..." Kokichi thought. "Does anyone sit behind you?" 

  "LEON!!!" Himiko shouted. "Nyeh...I bet it was him all along! That sneak thief! I bet he scratches his butt like a monkey and sniffs his fingers!" 

  "First of all, ewww," Kokichi responded. "Second of all, we can't just say it was him. Anyone could have done it. Who else is in your music class, Himiko?" Himiko counted the students on her fingers.

   "Nyeh...besides sneak thief, there's Mondo, Ibuki, Hifumi, Miu, and Fuyuhiko," Himiko responded. "But we can probably take Mondo, Ibuki, Hifumi, and Fuyuhiko off the list of suspects."

   "Oh? Why's that?" Kokichi asked. 

  "Nyeh...because they don't have anything against me," Himiko simply replied. 

 "Non non," Kokichi said. "You can't rule out the others just because you don't think they have anything against you, Himiko." 

 "But suspecting all six people is such a pain," Himiko complained. 

  "Do you want your diary, or not?" Kokichi asked.

  "Nyeh...yes," Himiko mumbled. 

  "Well, then we have to go interrogate each and every one of them until they have no other choice but to cough up your diary," Kokichi said. "Although, that'd be pretty boring if they gave it up, like, right away. Ooo! Can you go get your backpack real quick?"

  "Why?" Himiko asked. 

  "Becaaauuuse, the culprit might have left some incriminating evidence in your backpack!" Kokichi replied. 

  "The culprit would be pretty stupid if they did that, but...okay," Himiko replied and went to get her backpack. She returned to Kokichi, opened up her backpack, and reached inside. "I don't see anythi-" she stopped dead in her tracks as a wave of confusion washed over her. She felt the blood drain from her face as her confusion turned to fear.

  "What is it?" Kokichi asked in hushed excitement. With shaky hands, Himiko showed Kokichi a scrap of paper with red ink sprawled in creepy handwriting: REVENGE IS SWEET, JUST LIKE YOUR SECRETS, HIMIKO! IF YOU DON'T WANT THEM TO BE REVEALED, BACK OFF...OR ELSE!!! At the bottom was a picture of Himiko with X's on her eyes. 


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