That Time When Himiko Built A Kokichi Shrine In Her Closet (4)

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   Kaede, Maki, and Tenko got the paint ready as Kirumi cleaned out the clutter from Himiko's closet. The walk-in closet was fairly large, so the girls wanted to get started on it right away. Fortunately, Himiko didn't have a lot of clutter. Kirumi, being the Ultimate Maid, cleaned it out in no time. She vacuumed, dusted, and polished the clothes racks that hung on both sides of the closet. 

  "Alright, I'm finished," Kirumi said, dusting her gloves off. "I'm going to make everyone's favorite lunch and dessert, so tell me what you want, everyone." The other girls told Kirumi what they wanted, then she headed down to the kitchen to make their preferred foods. 

  "Okay, Maki and Tenko, let's get started on the paint," Kaede said. "Help me set up the canvasses."

  "Ma'am, yes, ma'am!" Tenko said with a salute. The three of them set up the canvasses on the floor in Himiko's closet so as not to get paint on the floor. Before they could begin, however, Miu burst into the room. 

  "Hold your horses, ya donkeys," she said. "You guys don't have to paint because I, Miu Iruma, gorgeous girl genius, came up with an invention that will have the paint job done in mere minutes!" She brought out about five large, round devices in a wagon along with some weird, large hair-dryer-looking thing. The round objects had lids on them with some weird wire sticking out. It looked like a fuse. "These are paint bombs," Miu explained. "You fill these up with paint and light the fuse! Then, they'll explode, leaving the paint all over the walls and ceiling! You might wanna cover up the stuff that you don't want painted." 

  "What's that hair-dryer thingy, Miu?" Tsumugi asked.

  "Well, duh-doi! It's the thing that's gonna dry the paint, Four-Eyes," Miu responded. "Jeez, you may look smart, but you're about as dumb as a box of cocks!" Tsumugi glared at Miu, but didn't say anything.

  "Well, um, what DON'T you want painted, in your closet, Himiko?" Kaede asked, quick to change the subject. 

   "Nyeh...nothing," Himiko replied. "Everything can be painted. I want it all to be drenched in...THAT color since it's dedicated to you-know-who." 

  "Well, whaddya mush-heads waitin' for? Start cleanin' out Donkey Lips' closet!" Miu demanded. Everyone helped Himiko remove her clothes and set them on her bed. Miu filled the bombs up with paint and set them in the closet. She then lit all five fuses, rushed out of the closet and closed the door. "Okay, ladies! Hold on to your ovaries!" Everyone covered their ears until they heard five loud pops that sounded like fireworks. "Okay, step aside while I dry this puppy off," Miu said, grabbing the giant hair-dryer thingy. She walked inside and closed the door. A few minutes later, she came out with a triumphant grin on her face. "Ta-daaaaa," she said. The girls walked in with a look of amazement on their faces. The deep purple of the painted was smoothed nicely onto the walls and ceiling. 

  "That's great, Miu!" Kaede said. "That definitely saved us a lot of time!" Suddenly, they heard a knock at the door.

  "Hey, what was that noise?" came the voice of Kaito through the door. Maki went to open it and saw, not only Kaito, but the other boys looking at her with confused looks.

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