The Picnic

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      Himiko carried a red and white checkered blanket up to the hill behind Casa V3 while Kokichi carried the picnic basket. It was a bright sunny day with blue skies and a gentle breeze. The grass was a sea of bright, emerald green. It was the perfect day for a picnic. Himiko spread the blanket onto the ground under the shade of the tree that sat on the hill, and Kokichi plopped himself right next to her. 

   ", what's in the basket?" Himiko asked Kokichi. Kokichi told her that he had wanted to surprise her with what was inside the picnic basket. 

   "Well, first, let me start by saying that this isn't just some regular, old picnic," Kokichi replied. "This is...a SWEET-TOOTH PICNIC!!! TA-DAAAAAA!!!" He opened the picnic basket with the flick of his finger. Inside, the basket was packed with Twinkies, Oreos, Pocky, doughnuts and doughnut holes, lemon cookies, pan dulce, ice cream, banana cream pudding, chocolates, Sweettarts, and cans of grape and strawberry Panta. 

  " you want us to go into sugar shock?!" Himiko asked, her eyes bugging out at all the sweets.

   "It's the best kinda shock there is!" Kokichi replied, taking out the sweets and spreading them onto the blanket. The sweet smell of the spread wafted through the gentle breeze, causing Himiko's stomach to growl and her mouth to water. Kokichi gave her a sly grin. "You know you want sooooome," he teased, waving a strawberry jelly-filled powdered doughnut in front of her face. 

   "Yup! You're right! I want it!" Himiko said, snatching the doughnut from Kokichi. She began munching on it happily. "Tho good!" she said with a full mouth. Kokichi laughed and poked her cheek. 

   "Glad you like it, Strawberry Cream Cheeks," Kokichi replied, trying to figure out what he wanted to eat first. He reached for the pan dulce and began eating. They ate together in peaceful silence, with only the sound of the warm, gentle breeze rustling the leaves above them. After a while, Himiko laid back onto the blanket.

   "I'm stuffed," she said, sighing happily. Kokichi laid down next to her. 

  "Samesies!" Kokichi agreed. "We shouldn't just lay here, though. We need to burn off some calories." 

   "Um...okay?" Himiko replied, looking at Kokichi out of the corner of her eyes. She saw that he was giving her a devilish grin. "Wh-What are you thinking?" She began scooting away from him.

   "Nee-heehee...why so tense, honey muffin?" Kokichi asked. "Oooo, that does sound good, actually! I should have made some honey muffins, too! Aaaanyhoo..." he turned to Himiko with a flirtatious smile. Himiko felt her face grow hot and her heart rate increase. 

   "I know what you're thinking, Kokichi," she said. "I don't wanna do...that!"

   "Do you reeaaallly know what I'm thinking, Himiko?" he asked her. "Cuz I don't think you DO know."

  "W-Well...what ARE you thinking?" Himiko asked hesitatnly.

   "Haha! I'm glad you asked!" Kokichi said as he hopped to his feet. He picked up a doughnut and smooshed it into her face. "FOOD FIGHT!!!" he shouted. With doughnut caked all over her face, Himiko gasped in surprise. She looked up at Kokichi who looked at her expectantly as if he were a dog waiting for his owner to play fetch. At first, she felt angry, but she realized that Kokichi only wanted to play, so she had an idea. She thrust her face into her hands and began to sob.

    "Why did you do thaaaat?!" Himiko sobbed, trying her best to sound believable.

   "Oh, come on, Himiko, I know you're lying," Kokichi tsked, rolling his eyes. 

   "Noooo," she wailed. "You got some doughnut in my eye!" Kokichi walked over to her and knelt down. 

   "Okaaayyy, where is it?" he asked, lifting her chin up. Himiko saw her opportunity to strike. She jumped onto him and pinned him down. Then, she scooped up some of the banana cream pudding with her hand and shoved it into his face.

   "HAHA!!! GOTCHA, SUCKA!!!" she exclaimed. Kokichi started laughing.

    "Haha, I knew it!" he said. Then the two suddenly became engaged, not in a food fight, but a food war! They launched Oreos at each other, shot the Twinkie cream straight out of the cake at each other as if the Twinkies were guns, and shook the cans of grape and strawberry Panta, causing the sodas to fizz and shoot out of the cans at each other. The two continued until they were covered in sweets. They fell to the floor, laughing. They took a few moments to steady their breathing.

   "Hahahaha...that was fun, huh?" Kokichi asked her after they settled down.

   " was fun and tasty," Himiko replied, laughing. Kokichi looked at her.

   "Oh?" he asked. He took Himiko's wrists that she had placed on her chest and pinned them down over her. Kokichi's forehead was right above hers so that their eyes locked onto each others.' He had that flirty gleam in his eyes that sent Himiko's heart racing. She felt the heat radiate from his body.

   "Hmm-hmm...your face smells like cake," she giggled softly. 

   "Is that so?" Kokichi asked, his voice dropping into a low, seductive tone. "Well, the smell of my face doesn't matter so much to me. I'm more interested in how tasty your lips are." Himiko turned bright red and bit her lip.

   "Only one way to f-find out, I guess," Himiko whispered as Kokichi brought his lips closer to hers. He let out one last chuckle before giving her a passionate kiss. 



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