It's On, Leon! (6)

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     Kokichi switched off the security cameras while Himiko opened the door of the security office. She was about to step out when Kokichi suddenly grabbed her and pulled her back.

   "Nyeh! Hey! What are you doing?!" she whispered irritably.

   "Himiko, you can't just go barging out into the museum like that!" Kokichi scolded. 

   "Well, why not?" Himiko huffed. Kokichi sighed and reached into his scarf. He pulled out a small can of hairspray and sprayed it at the open floor of the museum. As he did, red beams appeared across the floor. Himiko's eyes widened. 

   "How did you know to do that?" she asked, clearly impressed. Kokichi gave her a smug grin. 

    "Like I said, I do this all the time," he replied.

     "Do you always keep a can of hairspray with you?" Himiko asked.

     "Nee-heehee...yup! Hairspray isn't just for keeping my hair all spiffy and shiny, y'know," he said with a wink. 

  "How do we get past all this? Do we just carefully step over the beams, or something?" Himiko asked.

   "Even better!" Kokichi replied with an excited face. "I love hopscotching my way past these babies!"

   "H-Hopscotch?!" Himiko stammered. 

   "Uh-huh! Watch!" With confident strides, Kokichi began to hopscotch across the laser beams. "K-O-K-I-C-H-I! I'm great at hopscotch, and that's no lie!" he rhymed as he made his way across to the other side of the hallway where the security beams weren't crossing. He even finished with a perfect cartwheel. Then, he turned to Himiko and waved her over encouragingly. "C'mon, HimiCocoa Bean! You can do it!" 

   "Humm..." Himiko groaned. Then, she took a deep breath and readied herself. She decided to have fun with it, just like Kokichi, and found herself hopscotching across the beams, as well, making up a rhyme of her own. "Nyeh...H-I-M-I-K-to the-O. Life is a pain, but I go with the flow." She suddenly found herself standing right next to Kokichi, who had an ecstatic, proud smile on his face. 

  "YOU DID IT, HIMICOCOA BEAN!!!" he laughed, wrapping his arms around her and swinging her around. He pressed his lips against her cheek and gave her juicy smooch. 

   "Yeah...that was kinda fun," Himiko admitted with a small smile. "Scary, but fun." Kokichi giggled proudly as he ruffled her hair. Then he sighed contentedly and gave Himiko somewhat of a bashful smile.

   "Y'know, it's fun doing this with you, Himiko," Kokichi said suddenly. Himiko's cheeks flushed light pink as she batted her eyelashes shyly at him. "You and I should go on heists more often. You don't have to go with me and my organization, but we should go on our own private heists every once in a while. Just you and me." He took her hands and began to playfully sway them back and forth. Himiko smiled as she thought to herself how nice it would be to spend more alone time with Kokichi. Though she didn't quite picture the both of them robbing stores and museums together, she had to admit that it seemed kind of fun, so long as she did it with Kokichi. At the same time, she wasn't sure she could go along with it.

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