Himiko Encounters A Karen

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      It was a mild, sunny day, and Himiko felt like the weather was nice enough for a walk to her favorite convenience store, Sunakku. She usually went there to buy her favorite snacks, but today, she was especially excited because it was the last day that Sunakku was selling a limited edition of Toasty Tarts, which was a breakfast toaster pastry with fruity filling inside. Himiko had just recently started eating Toasty Tarts, and she loved their sweetness. The limited edition flavor was lemon, and unfortunately, Himiko had been unable to get it because she either forgot, or, whenever she did look for it at Sunakku, it was always sold out. Today, however, she felt lucky, the same type of lucky Charlie Bucket felt right before he opened the chocolate wrapper containing the 5th golden ticket. She had even worn a yellow sundress just for the occasion. Upon entering the store, she saw, to her dismay, a large crowd of people mostly congregated at the breakfast aisle. 

    "Nyeh...excuse me," she said as she wove her way through the crowd to get to the Toasty Tarts section. "'Scuse me! Pardon me! Nyeh!" Most of the crowd had dispersed by the time Himiko made it to the Toasty Tarts. To her surprise and delight, Himiko spotted the last box of lemon-flavored Toasty Tarts. "Nyeh!! There it is!" she whispered excitedly. She reached out to grab it, only to be rudely interrupted by a woman with sunglasses who grabbed her wrist. 

    "Hey, excuse me, I was going to take that last box of Toasty Tarts," the woman said rudely. 

    "Oh...I'm sorry, but I wanted it," Himiko said in a small voice. "I...haven't had a chance to try the lemon-flavored Toasty Tarts, yet." 

   "Well, I'm sorry, hon, but my kid hasn't tried them, either, and I was going to buy them for him," the woman replied. Himiko craned her neck past the woman to see where her said son was, but Himiko didn't see any kid. 

   "Um...where is he?" Himiko asked, twiddling her fingers and trying to sound as polite as possible so as not to stir conflict. Though she didn't want to make a scene, she didn't want to give up the last box so easily. 

   "He's in the car," the woman replied hastily, reaching for the box of Toasty Tarts. One good thing about Himiko being Kokichi's girlfriend was that he taught her how to figure out when people were lying. Himiko was able to tell this particular woman was lying by how fast she spoke and the that she wasn't making eye contact with her. Before the woman grabbed the box, Himiko snatched it, surprising the woman, and even herself at how quickly she moved. 

    "I'm sorry, but I'm taking this box," Himiko told the woman in what she had hoped was a confident voice. Instead, Himiko's voice came out small and shaky. 

    "No, you're not," the woman growled, gritting her teeth and snatching the box from Himiko. Himiko quickly grabbed the box before the woman could walk away. The two females were now engaged in a tug-of-war battle. "Let go, or I'll call the cop-excuse me, manager! MANAGER!!" the woman screamed. The majority of the crowd that had been there when Himiko had arrived was gone, but a few lingering people had turned their heads toward Himiko and the woman to see what all the fuss was about. The woman kept calling for a manager, but no manager appeared. 

   "Excuse me, miss, but you should probably calm down," one of the passersby said. 

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